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David Allen Explains How to Master Your To-Do List. I think it depends on the type of person. Some people can find the calm and then write out their to-do lists (I envy those people). Personally, I find if I don't write down everything first before trying to meditate, my trying to meditate is a waste of my time. If I get everything out of my head first, it's much easier for me to relax. Taking inspiration from Steven Johnson's "Where the good ideas come from" I created a spark file... You can make it out of an Evernote (or alike) app You can use a Calendar app or just have a notebook...! I try to write, rather track each and everything that I do/think, in present... and at the end of the day before going to bed...

It really helps me to track that -Where did I do nothing. . . . - Any creative ideas that popped up... -Track my routine and change it according to my preferences... And much more as you go on to discover!... The Simple Secret to Time Management: Jedi Time Tricks. Imagine you were a Jedi master called Bob (your parents, whilst skilled in the ways of the force weren't the best at choosing names).

The love of your life—Princess Lucia—is trapped in a burning building as you hurry to save her. You might think of Lucia as the embodiment of your dreams, your aspirations—she is your most important thing. Unfortunately, before you can reach her an army of stormtroopers open fire. The incoming stream of lasers demand your attention—if you fail to dodge them, you're dead. You might think of them as an urgent distraction from saving your princess.

We all know how a hero resolves this dilemma. If he takes his eye off the ultimate goal—his princess—then all his other efforts are for nought. And so it is with your life. The secret to mastering your time is to systematically focus on importance and suppress urgency. Look at what you spend your day doing. Say no. Unplug the TV. Kill notifications. Schedule your priorities. First things first. Ignore. 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person. 2017, motherfuckers. Yeah! LET'S DO THIS. "Do what? " you ask. Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you're thrilled with your life, and you're happy with your relationships. Via For the rest of you, I want you to try something: Name five impressive things about yourself.

Note: I originally posted this in December of 2012, and to date it has drawn more than 20 million page views and been shared on Facebook more than half a million times. . #6. Getty Let's say that the person you love the most has just been shot. Getty"OK, which one is the injured one? " You ask, "Are you a doctor? " The guy says, "No. " You say, "But you know what you're doing, right? At this point the guy becomes annoyed. Confused, you say, "How does any of that fucking matter when my [wife/husband/best friend/parent] is lying here bleeding! Now the man becomes agitated -- why are you being shallow and selfish?

Getty"I don't get it. Getty"Here's that shit you needed. . #5. "Nice guy? #4. 19 Things To Stop Doing In Your 20s. Motivation Tip #17 - Which is worse, failing or never trying?