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Visual Thinking. Information aesthetics - Information Visualization & Visual Comm. Visual Thinking. Spatial & Sequential Thinking Spatial and sequential thinking are two different mental organisations that affect the way people view the world. Sequential thinking is step by step linear thinking over time, while spatial thinking is an holistic system where all knowledge is interconnected in space. Auditory thinking is associated with sequential thinking and visual-spatial thinking is associated with spatial thinking. The sequential system involves analysis, progression from simple to complex, organisation of information and linear deductive reasoning.

It is influenced by hearing and language and an awareness of time. In contrast, spatial thinking involves synthesis, an intuitive grasp of complex systems, (often missing the steps) simultaneous processing of concepts, inductive reasoning (from the whole to the parts), use of imagination and generation of ideas by combining existing facts in new ways (creative thinking). Try this simple task. A parent's viewpoint... Further information. Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Com. Mapping the Stairs to Visual Excellence. FlowingData | Data Visualization and Statistics.