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Sound research

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One Square Inch. Research: Too much, too little noise turns off consumers, creativity. The sound of silence isn't so golden for consumers, and both marketers and advertisers should take note, says new research from a University of Illinois expert in new product development and marketing. According to published research from Ravi Mehta, a professor of business administration, ambient background noise turns out to be an important factor affecting creative cognition among consumers. "We found that ambient noise is an important antecedent for creative cognition," Mehta said. "A moderate level of noise not only enhances creative problem-solving but also leads to a greater adoption of innovative products in certain settings. " "What we found is that there's an inverted-U relationship between noise level and creativity," Mehta said.

"It turns out that around 70 decibels is the sweet spot. If you go beyond that, it's too loud, and the noise starts to negatively affect creativity. "This is research that people can relate to almost immediately," he said. Create Crazy Sound Effects with Household Objects. Epic Sound - music, sound design and voice acting. Music Theory Scales and Modes. Scales and Modes What Are Modes? If a sound tickles your ear, you may be hearing a mode. Have you ever listened to a piece of music and thought it sounded strange to your ear? You were probably hearing modes, which are scales that were used over a thousand years ago! Modes are scales. Some modes sound familiar to our ear while others sound very strange.

Here is a picture of the C Major scale. Modes (scales) are patterns of notes that move by half-steps (2 notes next to one another on the piano) and whole-steps (2 notes separated by a note on the piano). Can you identify half-steps and whole-steps on this keyboard? Back to top Major and Minor Scales Do you like ice cream? Just like there are many flavors of ice cream, so there are many different "flavors" of scales. I bet you know the most popular flavor of ice cream. Major scales are like vanilla ice cream because they are the most popular scales in music. Other Scales Can you think of some really weird flavors of ice cream? Ancient Modes Fetes. Best Recording Software - RECORDING.ORG. Music - How To Information. Aaron Marks Special: So, You Want to Be a Sound Designer? : Designing Sound. People often ask why I’m a sound designer and how I ended up with an active career creating sounds. It’s not something I specifically sought out but now that I’m a dozen years into doing it professionally, I’m really happy that I’m here.

I actually started as a composer with the dream of scoring blockbuster Hollywood films but with the unpredictability of life, I ended up on the video game side of the industry instead and haven’t looked back. I was hired for my first game project in 1995 to create music but as the ‘guy with the microphone’ and the developers need to keep his audio team small, I was asked to create the sound effects as well. In an instant, I was given the moniker of ‘sound designer’ and a new career was born which, coincidentally, now provides 75% of my business income. Yeah, being a sound designer isn’t such a bad thing. What is a ‘sound designer’? ‘Sound Designer’ means something a little different depending on which industry you are working in.

‘Sound designer’ skills. Designing Sound. Digital recording. Audio levels display on a digital audio recorder (Zoom H4n) In digital recording, digital audio and digital video are directly recorded to a storage device as a stream of discrete numbers, representing the changes in air pressure (sound) for audio and chroma and luminance values for video through time, thus making an abstract template for the original sound or moving image.

Analog audio (sound), or analog video made of a continuous wave must be converted into a stream of discrete numbers, representing the changes over time in air pressure for audio, and chroma and luminance values for video. Beginning in the 1980s, music that was recorded, mixed and mastered digitally was often labelled using the SPARS code to describe which processes were analog and which were digital. Timeline history[edit] Process[edit] Recording Playback Recording of bits[edit] Techniques to record to commercial media[edit] Concerns with digital audio recording[edit] Word size[edit] Sample rate[edit] Error rectification[edit]