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Greek mythology

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Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #8 (Loeb Classics #57) CONTENTS: [ Preparer's Note ] [ Preface ] [ Introduction ] Translations, introduction and explanatory material by Hugh G. Evelyn-White. This file contains only that portion of the book in English; Greek texts are excluded.

Where Greek characters appear in the original English text, a transcription in CAPITALS is substituted. In order to make this file more accessable to the average computer user, the preparer has found it necessary to re-arrange some of Mr. A few endnotes have been added by the preparer, and some additions have been supplied to the original endnotes of Mr. This edition is based on that published as "Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica" (ed. & translation: Hugh G. This electronic edition was edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. This volume contains practically all that remains of the post- Homeric and pre-academic epic poetry.

I have for the most part formed my own text. Hugh G. Řecká jména — Ptejte se knihovny. Portál Antika | Starověký Řím | Starověké Řecko | Starověk | Historie. Antická mytologie. Řečtí bohové • Greek Mythology :: Greek Gods :: Greek Goddesses :: Greek Myths.