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Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing. At StaticGen281, our open-source directory of static website generators, we’ve kept track of more than a hundred generators for more than a year now, and we’ve seen both the volume and popularity of these projects take off incredibly on GitHub during that time, going from just 50 to more than 100 generators and a total of more than 100,000 stars for static website generator repositories.

Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing

Influential design-focused companies such as Nest and MailChimp now use static website generators for their primary websites. Vox Media2 has built a whole publishing system3 around Middleman. Carrot4, a large New York agency and part of the Vice empire, builds websites for some of the world’s largest brands with its own open-source generator, Roots5. And several of Google’s properties, such as “A Year In Search6” and Web Fundamentals7, are static. Static websites are hardly new, going all the way back to the beginning of the web. When Static Was It Link Dynamic Problems Link Templating Link. Top Open-Source Static Site Generators - StaticGen. Niume. SumoMe - The Best Website Traffic Tools. Whenever your Startup gets mentioned online, Get Notified on Slack or HipChat.

Product development tools — Developers Writing. Being a tech and web addict since the beginning of the web as we know it, I have a tendency to resort to technology first whenever I have a problem that needs to be addressed.This was never an issue before or at least if it was I didn’t notice.

Product development tools — Developers Writing

Lately as my professional responsibilities shift more every day to management related tasks (I work as Head of Engineering in a Healthcare tech platform), I started to think how I could improve certain processes. We use a myriad of tech tools on our everyday tasks, from google docs to dropbox, from pivotal tracker to slack… and although ideally everyone in the team should be up to date with every tool in a daily basis I keep noticing patterns where some of the tools are constantly slipping under the radar.This has a negative impact in our team performance, not everyone is up to date on relevant subjects, and on a participation driven culture that’s even worse.

So which are the alternatives? As examples of this we now have: The 7 (Mostly Free) Tools Product Hunt Used to Build their Early-Stage Community. Erik running a Detroit rap cypher for I’ve been thinking about building online and offline communities for the past few years.

The 7 (Mostly Free) Tools Product Hunt Used to Build their Early-Stage Community

Community is at the center of what I do, from planning in-person events (rap cyphers, book clubs, happy hours) to creating online and scalable communities (, Product Hunt). As Product Hunt’s first hire, I work with our founder Ryan Hoover on community, marketing, business development, and all the other random things that people at early-stage startups do. Product Hunt’s core is its community. How to Find Email Addresses. Being able to start a dialogue with anyone in the world is a super power… In today’s environment, email seems to be the easiest way to do this.

How to Find Email Addresses

This post reveals 11 tools and methodologies to find anyone’s email address once you’ve got the name of the person you’re trying to reach. Clearbit Connect: 16 Free Online Tools to Help You Find Trending Content. Whether you’re trying to find the latest trending content as part of your job, or simply trying to stay relevant, the Internet can sometimes be an almost too-expansive world; with so many different websites and social networks out there, it can get a little confusing as to what to use when trying to pin down the latest viral trends.

16 Free Online Tools to Help You Find Trending Content

For those of us who are content creators, social media specialists, or community managers, staying on top of today’s trending content is essential to our survival: we need to have a firm knowledge on what’s relevant in our society, in order to ensure that we can contribute something to those conversations. Realizing this need, we’ve compiled 16 different online tools and resources that you can use to help you remain aware of the latest trending topics. The following list was inspired by the recently published Medium piece “300 Awesome Free Things” which listed various, free, online resources and tools that statups can utilize to operate their businesses. The Ultimate Marketing Stack for Startups. This is how most early-stage startups pursue marketing: start an account on Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat, write some articles, cold-blast a bunch of journalists with a press release, and hope for the best.

The Ultimate Marketing Stack for Startups

There’s nothing wrong with doing the above—they are decent, if not necessary, starting points. But, your startup marketing efforts can be much more effective with useful analytics, conversion optimization, and workflow organization. Below are seven must-have marketing tools to help you get the most out of your startup marketing strategy. And if you’re looking for more, here’s a full collection of startup marketing tools: 1.

Learn how your visitors are really using your site This tool is kind of exactly what every marketer is looking for. 2. 5 Killer Ways To Scale Your Marketing & Sales Using Facebook — Posts From Drip. Facebook and digital marketing expert Aaron Zakowski has this to say: “I would argue that SaaS businesses are one of the most effective business models that you can promote with Facebook ads.

5 Killer Ways To Scale Your Marketing & Sales Using Facebook — Posts From Drip

But keep in mind that all business are different so you need to test everything.” Let’s dig into 5 ways you can grow your SaaS company with Facebook specifically, so you too can produce a steady influx of traffic, signups and reduced costs per acquisition all at the same time. 1. Convert And Save Money With Retargeting On Facebook Retargeting lists will save your campaigns money — especially those that barely break even. Value of Social Media - The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz. Product development At no other time in history have businesses had more access to customers at scale than they do now, and product development stands to benefit from this perhaps more than any other group.

Value of Social Media - The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz

Input from social media, though, can be both a blessing and a curse, as people don't always know precisely what they think or want. There's a quote widely attributed to Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, that goes, "If I had asked the people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. " It's easy to make the mistake of treating all customer input as gospel. Feedback is incredibly important, but that being said, you should take that feedback in the context of everything else you know about your product and your brand. Create beta/tester communities: This can be done in a couple of ways. Toggl - Features Online Timer & Timesheet Export. 7 Apps That Excel at User Onboarding — And What We Can Learn From Them — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking. They say the first impression is the most important, and we agree.

7 Apps That Excel at User Onboarding — And What We Can Learn From Them — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking

Whether you’re on a date, at a job interview or using an app you just downloaded, your first interaction will leave a lasting memory of the person (or product). Think of your favorite movie, or video game: you can probably recite the first scene by memory, or recall the magic you felt hearing the opening music for the first time. This is why nailing your user onboarding experience is such an important aspect of mobile app design. The first few minutes after your user downloads your app are pivotal when it comes to determining whether your app lands in the recycling bin or leaves your users wanting much, much more (and raving to their friends!).

According to Andrew Hubbard (@A_Hubbard), founder of and co-host of the App Business Podcast (@AppBusinessTalk), the key is to put yourself in the user’s shoes — and then look at the users’ footprints once they start using your app: 59 Awesome Tools for Building a Profitable Business from Anywhere. Must-Have Tools for Freelancers. Being a freelancer gives you incredible freedom and flexibility—but it isn’t always the easiest undertaking.

Must-Have Tools for Freelancers

In addition to the freelance work you take on, you also have to manage your own business. How do you create a contract proposal? Manage your time between various projects and clients?
