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問卷調查, 投票, 考試-整理中

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比 Google 表單更吸睛的超互動免費線上問券調查:Typeform. 雖然說功能完整又完全免費的 Google 表單功能:「設計問卷調查快速免費,新版線上 Google form 表單教學」夠實用,對於一般使用者來說,不需要自己做網頁、不需要負擔用戶流量,又有各種問題設計、調查統計功能,已經沒什麼好強求的了。

比 Google 表單更吸睛的超互動免費線上問券調查:Typeform

不過,我今天看到國外的 The Next Web 推薦了一個叫做「 Typeform 」的免費網路問卷調查製作服務,對其「讓人眼睛一亮」的互動介面十分驚豔。 「 Typeform 」特色是擁有可自訂、有質感的問卷介面,能夠自動適應電腦、手機螢幕大小,更關鍵的是問卷與問題都具有很強大的互動特效,受訪者在填寫問卷時可以享受幻燈片般華麗的動畫,以及更方便的使用體驗,會讓人「想要繼續把問卷做下去」。 再仔細研究,「 Typeform 」雖然有區分免費、付費帳戶,付費帳戶可以使用更進階的表單問題功能(例如 Google 表單的邏輯跳轉問題),但是免費帳戶也可以使用夠豐富的基本表單,並且使用數量上看起來也沒有什麼限制,更棒的是,「 Typeform 」還支援「繁體、簡體中文問卷」的設計喔! 2017/3/19 新功能:最美問卷 Typeform 新功能開放:在 Facebook 即時通回答問卷 1.建立專屬問卷開頭網址 來到「 Typeform 」,先註冊一個免費帳號,在註冊帳號時可以自訂自己以後的問卷表單專屬網址,讓其他人更容易辨識出這是屬於你設計的問卷。 Zoho Forms 免費製作線上表單,利用拖曳快速設定各種欄位規則. 不會寫線上表單?Getform 簡易網頁表單處理服務,為你管理表單資料支援匯出及上傳功能. 專為手機設計的問卷調查表: Swurveys 填表只需滑動不必點擊. Log in. SurveyCake 免費線上問卷服務,輕鬆自製表單整合強大圖表分析功能. Collaboration, meeting, and teaching platform.

Untitled. How to Create a Video based Quiz on 7 Tools for Creating Multimedia Quizzes Compared in One Chart. Last winter I made a series of charts in which I compared popular ed tech tools.

7 Tools for Creating Multimedia Quizzes Compared in One Chart

I'm now going through those charts and removing some tools and adding some new ones. The chart embedded below is the updated version of my chart comparing seven tools for creating multimedia quizzes. At the bottom of the chart you will find links to video tutorials on each of the tools featured in the chart. You can download the chart here or find the Google Docs version here. Updwn 簡單大方的線上問卷調查產生器. 4 Free Tools for Creating & Playing Interactive Quiz Games. Earlier this week I wrote about "ghost mode" being the talk of the Future of Educational Technology Conference in Orlando.

4 Free Tools for Creating & Playing Interactive Quiz Games

That post prompted a few people to ask me about other quiz game platforms. I've used a bunch of them over the years. The following are interactive quiz game tools that I've used with great success in my classroom and or in my workshops. Kahoot: This is the obvious one to include in this post as it did inspire the post. Kahoot provides a fun way to gather feedback from a group through their phones, iPads, Chromebooks, or any other device that has a web browser and an Internet connection. 以影片當作問券題目素材的投票, 題目目前無法中文. Best of 2015 - 7 Free Tools for Building Review Games. As I do every year, I am taking this week to relax, recharge, and ski with friends.

Best of 2015 - 7 Free Tools for Building Review Games

While I'm away I will be re-running the most popular posts of the year. This was one of the most popular posts of March, 2015. This week I received at least a half dozen emails from people who were looking for suggestions for creating review games or practice quizzes for their students. The following are the tools that I suggested in reply to those emails. One teacher's needs are little bit different from another's so this list covers a fairly wide range of options. TinyTap is a good iPad and Android app for creating your own review games based on pictures and diagrams. offers a handful of templates for building your own educational games. Socrative and Kahoot continue to be my two favorite platforms for hosting fast-paced review quizzes. If a Jeopardy-style game is what you're after, eQuizShow, Jeopardy Rocks, and FlipQuiz are worth giving a try. 15 Good Tools for Quickly Gathering Feedback from Students. Polls, chat tools, and interactive quizzes provide good ways to hear from all of the students in a classroom.

15 Good Tools for Quickly Gathering Feedback from Students

These kind of tools allow shy students to ask questions and share comments. For your more outspoken students who want to comment on everything, a feedback mechanism provides a good outlet for them too. Here's a run-down of some of the best tools for gathering feedback from students in real-time. Newer tools:Tozzl is a chat platform that allows you to quickly create private, password-protected message boards as well as public boards. To get started visit Tozzl and select "create a new Tozzl. " Dotstorming is a neat tool that combines a bit of Padlet with a polling tool. Twitter isn't new, but its native polling tool is new this year. Quizalize is a free quiz game platform. Old reliables:81 Dash is a nice backchannel platform that provides a place for teachers to create chat rooms to use with students to host conversations and share files.

Asking 用手機 App 做線上問卷,結合製作、調查及統計功能. 想透過手機做個簡單的問卷調查,其實現在有非常多的平台能夠辦到,例如我們最常使用的臉書本身也有調查功能,或者利用 Google 雲端硬碟也能夠新增 Google 表單,都是非常容易操作的方式。

Asking 用手機 App 做線上問卷,結合製作、調查及統計功能

最近收到來自台灣其享科技邀請,試用旗下的全新產品「Asking 問卷調查」,這是一個能在手機上快速製作問卷、即時調查回覆的雲端平台,透過鏈結來把問卷分享到社群網站或即時通訊,即可讓對方填答並收到結果。 AnswerGarden: 開放式問題問答蒐集. Mentimeter - 即時投票問卷統計系統, 會偵測是否已經投票, 人數無上限. [tip] 增加你的英文單字可以很簡單 – Vocabulary Memorize ~ Browny Walking. 如今,每天都有大概 30~70 篇新的 RSS Feeds 等著我去消化,而絕大部分的內容是 English。

[tip] 增加你的英文單字可以很簡單 – Vocabulary Memorize ~ Browny Walking

雖然靠著這樣的習慣,英文的閱讀速度提升不少,但是字彙的增加卻不見明顯提升,最明顯的例子就是:在文章當中看到之前查過的單字,很眼熟,但是就是記不起來,不爭氣的還是打開了 Lingoes (幻想著哪一天我看英文文章可以從頭到尾不用查單字的夢也立即破碎)! 關鍵就是:沒『背』! 與其說『背』,不如說是沒有強化記憶。 Quiz Maker - Create Online Quizzes, Online Testing, Exams. Game-based digital learning platform. Kahoot 互動評量軟體. PDF to Flash page flip - flipping book software. Google 表單 - 免費建立和分析問卷調查。 TodaysMeet - 共識營/Workshop/多點討論/彙整大家意見的平台, 老師教學線上分享網址. KwikSurveys: Free online survey & questionnaire tool. Polldaddy: 專業級的調查, 投票, 測驗, 有統計報告, 可用相片, 可限制IP, 可限制投票數. Flisti - 免費, 免註冊, 文字題型, 針對單一題目表達意見投票.

Socrative: 師生間線上考試, 問答, 學生競賽. Riddle:免費, 手機友善, 可用相片, 問券/投票/測驗/List, 有中文.