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Playlist - The Perfect House Party Playlist: Pre-Drunk Rock To Hip Hop. The name pretty much says it all. If you have a house party, this is perfect. You start the list around 9-10ish before people get any spirits in them and the party is bustling. The Music transitions from rock and music you can talk behind quickly to more energetic classic and modern rock.

After that, it transitions to dance music with a few good drunk singalongs thrown in. Thoughts and Musings. Earlier this week, I was rear-ended by an uninsured driver.

Thoughts and Musings

Empathetic to her situation, I was kind and friendly. I asked about her family, shrugged off the damage, and choose not to file a police report. I smiled. Things like this happen. Musicovery.


Quotes. Entertainment. Shopping. InfographicsExamplesofTeachingbyShowingTipsforStudent_4dcaf7741a08d.jpg (JPEG Image, 1208 × 2579 pixels) Moss Graffiti. This really sums it up.... Fave Poetry.