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Najlepši citati i odlomci | Paolo Koeljo. Svi znaju da vole, jer su se rodili s tim darom. Neki to rade prirodno dobro, ali većina treba da ponovi gradivo, da se ponovo seti kako se voli, i svi – bez izuzetka – imaju potrebu da gore u vatri svojih proživljenih emocija, da ožive neke radosti i boli, uspone i padove, sve dok ne postignu onu nit vodilju koja stoji iza svakog novog susreta; da tamo postoji jedna nit i, dakle, tela uče jezik duše, i to se zove seks.

Kada čovek dublje zagleda u dušu sveta lako shvati da na svetu uvek postoji jedna osoba koja čeka onu drugu, bilo to nasred neke pustinje ili nasred nekog velikog grada... I kada se te osobe sretnu i njihovi pogledi se ukrste, sva prošlost i sva budućnost gube svaki značaj...i samo postoji taj trenutak... Bez obzira na ono što čini, svako na zemlji uvek igra glavnu ulogu u istoriji sveta. Ljubav je uvek nova. Uvek je neuporedivo lakše verovati u sopstvenu dobrotu, nego se sukobiti sa drugima i boriti se za svoja prava. Ljudi veoma rano saznaju razlog svog postojanja. Only after disaster can we be resurrected « Life on the road. Posted by afterlife under Personal[8] Comments “Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything, that you’re free to do anything.” – Tyler Durden (Fight Club) Back long ago I was interested in this girl and finally got up the nerve to ask her over on a date.

In retrospect it was probably one of the worst first dates ever, the highlight of which was serving purple chicken for dinner after thinking one should marinate it first. When she rejected me I felt bad and called up my long time friend from college. He said that in order to appreciate the high points in life we have to live through the low points — to which I thought, “physician heal thyself.” In life, we come across both high and low points.

I believe that only after disaster can we be resurrected into a new way of thinking. How many people do you know that campaign against cancer? T.S. If you are on a path of complacency, take action now, as tomorrow may never come. Like this: Like Loading... TheCHIVE. Styling Tips For Long Hair On Men (Beauty & Style: Hair Care For Men) VideoJug give you some great styling tips for long hair on men. Long hair on men can take some effort to maintain, but with these simple styling tips, you will be able to master your flowing locks. Step 1: Care for your hair Long hair needs to be maintained in peak condition as damaged hair will look strangely and unkempt. Healthy hair is much easier to style and manipulate so you'll be making your like easier if you look after it.

Step 2: Products Ask your hairdresser what product if any is right for you. Step 3: Reduce body If your long locks are particularly thick and have a tendency to bouffant, then ask your hairdresser to cut some of the body out of them. Step 4: Texturizing Getting your hairdresser to texturize your hair will remove excess bulk, and allow greater movement. Step 5: Growing out If you are growing out your hair, make sure you make regular trips to the salon to keep it in good condition and help you through the more awkward phases.

Step 6: Slick back Done. Phrases. Palabras, palabras que no se lleva el viento... Tenemos frases célebres, cortas, bonitas, tristes, románticas, guapas, tontas, chulas... Frases para madres, frases para padres. Algunas son citas célebres... Otras son bellas y desconocidas. Las mejores, para que tu las termines... Algunas llevan un toque de humor, otras podrás utilizarlas para inspiración de tu vena poética, para diseñar piropos y felicitar. Palabras, algunas están en los libros, otras perdidas en la calle, incrustadas en el celuloide del cine, en las canciones, en el diccionario... Palabras envueltas en poesías, rimas, viejos y eternos poemas... Son importantes o absurdas, evocan la paz, la libertad... Sirven para el día de San Valentín, la Navidad, el día de la madre, del padre, en nuestro aniversario... o para, después de mucho pensarlo, tirarlas a la papelera...

Son molonas o indiferentes, se cuelan en la soledad, en tu trabajo y en tu vida. Son sólo... palabras... Blejač.com - neverovatne zanimljivosti svakog dana. Quotes about Photography. Short Mohawk Hair Styles. Bašta Balkana Blog » Blog Archive » Mumio – čudesna smola sa Altaja. Mumio (Mumijo) Tajna čudotvorne ruske smole – Mumio je prirodni lek za sve bolesti Dugo skrivana tajna ruskih specijalaca i komandosa. Tajna susptanca zaslužna za uspeh ruskih atletičara i sportista. Crni anabolik koji se ne može detektovati. Čudesni lek za imunitet. Sve gore nabrojane stvari su urbane legende nastale iz rekla kazala prepričavanja dokonog sveta željnog senzacija. Krenimo prvo redom, da objasnimo šta je mumio ili mumijo kako ga ponekad nazivaju.

Smolaste je strukture, čvrste konzistencije do nekih 25-30 stepeni ako je čist, bez primesa, ali na višim temperaturama prelazi u tečniju konzistenciju, pravu i lepljivu smolu. Po sastavu je mumio kompleksan mozaik organskih i neorganskih materija koje su kroz proces polimerizacije, mešanja i taloženja tokom dugog vremena dobile smolastu strukturu. U srednjem veku je mumio bio popularan lek jer je bio vrlo mističan, posebno način na koji nastaje i zbog mesta na kojima se nalazio. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Kupovina preko neta

O Banaćanima kao Lalama. Carica i Banaćani Posle pobede nacionalno šarenih trupa Marije Terezije protiv Turaka, upriličena je, negde u Bačkoj, velika vojnička smotra. Postrojeni po regimentama, vojnici su očekivali početak ceremonije. U stroju su bili prekaljeni borci - graničari iz Srema i Bačke. Nedostajali su samo Banaćani.

Do tada niko od carskih oficira nije mogao sa sigurnošću da kaže: da li će uopšte oni stići. Ali, neposredno pred Caričin dolazak, uspelo je i banatskoj regimenti, posle više neuspelih pokušaja, da pređe nabujalu Tisu. Postrojili su se, brže-bolje, na levom krilu vojničke smotre. Cvećem na Banaćane Posle mnogih junački odbijenih napada turske vojske na granicama Austrougarske, u kojima su visoko junaštvo pokazali graničarski pukovi sastavljeni od Srba, Marija Terezija je odlučila da krene na put i vidi te, tada već slavne junake. Lala - gardijsko obeležje Legenda govori da je car Franja Josif imao običaj da za svoju telesnu gardu uzima u službu odabrane Banaćane.

Lala je - gazda Oni pevaju. 20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity. What distinguishes a creative person from one who isn’t? Aren’t we all creative on some level? I believe the answer to this question is yes; however, there are definitely some people that have an easier time staying in a creative and inspired mindset than others. According to Mark McGuinness, “We can probably all recognize the classic image of the artist or creative person. A Romantic, willful, sensitive, temperamental, tortured soul, a perpetual outsider with a mysterious and misunderstood talent.

A bit like a cross between Lord Byron and Vincent Van Gogh.” I’m writing this post for everyone that knows they are creative, and also for those that doubt their ability to be creative. I hope some of these ideas light a spark within you so you can realize your own greatness! 20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Credit for the fabulous main image in this post goes to Creativity v3 on Flickr. Vukajlija. Bit Rebels - Geek, Tech, Tutorials and News. Star Wars In The Form Of Mexican Traditional Art « Bit Rebels. Once again the brainchild of someone else has completely taken me by surprise. No wonder we have something called a viral social media phenomenon. It’s amazing what people come up with and how inspiring it is every time you manage to cross roads with something new and fresh.

Even though this art style isn’t exactly new, it is for the Star Wars brand. It’s so fresh as a matter of fact that I haven’t even thought about the connection until I saw these wonderful drawings. Created by talented and imaginative designer Jose Pulido, Star Wars takes on yet another shape in the form of Mexican traditional art. Even though I am not accustomed to the Mexican Traditional Art, I kind of like it. Author: Richard Darell Richard Darell is the founder and CEO of Bit Rebels, a multifaceted online news outlet that reports daily on the latest developments in technology, social media, design and everything geek.