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DANIL POLEVOY / PHOTO & DESIGN. Laurids Jensen - Design and Inspiration Blog. Photo gallery - venice. Comics, Quizzes, and Stories. World Sunlight Map. Klimanb7. Visboo Magazine - The Best Filtered Stories Of the Net. MGID: We Help Websites Grow Traffic for FREE. Top 10 Unique Bikinis - The Traffic Network - zaparena. Best flash websites. ASHLEY SKYY. Good mornin’ #greenzits Gettin’ my hair trimmed today 😄 Supper: homemade vegetable w/ beef soup & cornbread.


Not from a can, chopped by hand. This brings back memories from 9th grade art class.. Backyard apple tree blossom. GALLERY. Skateboard Skulls: Creative, Creepy & What do you do when you want to promote your skate store in a unique way that is cheap, good for the environment and that will make customers practically come running to you?

Skateboard Skulls: Creative, Creepy &

Well, you do what designer Beto Janz did of course! He carved scary-as-hell skulls out of broken, discarded skateboards, applied stickers with the store information onto each one like a business card, and then left them all over town in Curitiba, Brazil. As you can see in the pictures below, the decks themselves have a lot of character. They are rough looking, busted up, feathered pieces of wood, and that all works well into Beto’s brilliant plan. Blackmarket Arts. ASHLEY SKYY. DeadFix ·