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New Snowden Docs Reveal Wider Net Of NATO 'Kill List' Targets By Andrea Germanos. New Snowden Docs Reveal Wider Net Of NATO 'Kill List' Targets By Andrea Germanos 30 December, Newly revealed documents show that NATO's "kill list" for Afghanistan operations included not just senior Taliban leaders but those suspected of being low- and mid-level operatives as well as drug traffickers, Der Spiegel has reported.

New Snowden Docs Reveal Wider Net Of NATO 'Kill List' Targets By Andrea Germanos

Some of the secret documents, which are from 2009 to 2011, are from the trove released by Edward Snowden, the German paper states. "The documents show that the deadly missions were not just viewed as a last resort to prevent attacks, but were in fact part of everyday life in the guerrilla war in Afghanistan," Der Spiegel reports.

As part of a strategy the White House called "escalate and exit" that started in 2009, NATO troops would start with a "cleansing" phase—killing insurgents. Among the documents cited and made publicly available by Der Spiegel is the Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPEL). Snowden / Assange. Snowden: Vladimír Putin musí být pohnán k odpovědnosti stejně jako Obama. Dále jsem veřejně zapochyboval, zda může být takové masové špehování, i kdyby bylo efektivní a oficiálně legální, kdy morálně ospravedlnitelné.

Snowden: Vladimír Putin musí být pohnán k odpovědnosti stejně jako Obama

Cílem mé otázky bylo opakovat nechvalně známou výměnu názorů v americkém senátním výboru pro výzvědné záležitosti mezi senátorem Ronem Wydenem a šéfem státní americké rozvědky Jamesem Clapperem. Clapperova lživá odpověď - Senátu i veřejnosti - byla pro mě hlavní motivací, proč jsem se se svými informacemi obrátil na veřejnost. What Europe Should Know About US Mass Surveillance By Edward Snowden.

What Europe Should Know About US Mass Surveillance By Edward Snowden 07 March, Whistleblower Edward Snowden delivers written testimony to European Parliament What follows is a statement addressed to an investigative panel of the European Parliament looking into the nature and scope of U.S. surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency and its partner agencies in Europe.

What Europe Should Know About US Mass Surveillance By Edward Snowden

Subsequent to the statement are specific answers to written questions posed by the panel to Mr. Introductory Statement. Printing: US Threats Mount Against Journalists, Snowden. At a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Mike Rogers (R,Mich) repeatedly suggested that journalists who received leaked NSA documents from Snowden and wrote articles about them were guilty of criminal acts.

Printing: US Threats Mount Against Journalists, Snowden

These statements follow published death threats against Snowden from unnamed military and intelligence officials and demands from the Obama administration that he plead guilty and turn himself in. At a hearing Tuesday of the House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican, repeatedly suggested that journalists who received leaked NSA documents from Snowden and wrote articles about them were guilty of criminal acts. These statements follow published death threats against Snowden from unnamed military and intelligence officials and demands from the Obama administration that he plead guilty and turn himself in.

However, Comey did not rule out prosecution. Army Lt. The DNI report now lists terrorism only third in its list of threats. A History of 'Fear' NSA Headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland(image by National Security Agency photo)

A History of 'Fear'

The Year of the "Leaker" Source: Consortium News NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden speaking in Moscow on Oct. 9, 2013.

The Year of the "Leaker"

Putin: I envy Obama, because he can "spy" and get away with it. Original published at RT (image by RIA Novosti / Michail Metcel) "I envy Obama because he can spy on his allies without any consequences," said Putin when asked about how his relations had changed with the US following Snowden's espionage revelations.

Putin: I envy Obama, because he can "spy" and get away with it

During an annual question-and-answer session with journalists, Putin praised Edward Snowden's actions, saying that he was working for a "noble cause. " At the same time he accepted the importance of espionage programs in the fight against global terrorism, but said the NSA needed guidelines to limit its powers. Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden : The Greatest Human Rights Challenge Of Our Time. The Greatest Human Rights Challenge Of Our Time An Open Letter to the People of Brazil By Edward Snowden December 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Six months ago, I stepped out from the shadows of the United States Government's National Security Agency to stand in front of a journalist's camera.

Edward Snowden : The Greatest Human Rights Challenge Of Our Time

I shared with the world evidence proving some governments are building a world-wide surveillance system to secretly track how we live, who we talk to, and what we say. I went in front of that camera with open eyes, knowing that the decision would cost me family and my home, and would risk my life. My greatest fear was that no one would listen to my warning. At the NSA, I witnessed with growing alarm the surveillance of whole populations without any suspicion of wrongdoing, and it threatens to become the greatest human rights challenge of our time.

When someone in Florianopolis visits a website, the NSA keeps a record of when it happened and what you did there. Copyright Folha de S.Paulo. Shooting the Messenger - Chris Hedges. Shooting the Messenger Posted on Dec 8, 2013 By Chris Hedges There is a deeply misguided attempt to sacrifice Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond on the altar of the security and surveillance state to justify the leaks made by Edward Snowden.

Shooting the Messenger - Chris Hedges

It is argued that Snowden, in exposing the National Security Agency’s global spying operation, judiciously and carefully leaked his information through the media, whereas WikiLeaks, Assange, Manning and Hammond provided troves of raw material to the public with no editing and little redaction and assessment. Thus, Snowden is somehow legitimate while WikiLeaks, Assange, Manning and Hammond are not. “I have never understood it,” said Michael Ratner, who is the U.S. lawyer for WikiLeaks and Assange and who I spoke with Saturday in New York City. The charge that the WikiLeaks dump was somehow more damaging to the security and surveillance state because it was unedited, however, is false. Shooting the Messenger. Source: Truthdig Protesters supporting Edward Snowden hold a photo of him during a demonstration outside the U.S.

Shooting the Messenger

Consulate in Hong Kong. (image by Reuters/Bobby Yip) There is a deeply misguided attempt to sacrifice Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond on the altar of the security and surveillance state to justify the leaks made by Edward Snowden. UK police threaten Guardian editor with terrorism charges over Snowden leaks. Edward Snowden - Edward Snowden. Edward Joseph Snowden (* 21. června 1983) je bývalý systémový administrátor pracující pro americkou Národní bezpečnostní agenturu (NSA) a zaměstnanec CIA, který do tisku vynesl informace o masivním a do té chvíle před veřejností utajovaném celosvětovém sledování telefonů a elektronické komunikace ze strany bezpečnostních služeb USA.

Edward Snowden.