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Pancakes, Crepes & Waffles. Glutamát – nepřítel, nebo pomocník? Co je glutamát sodný a jak je to s jeho vlivem na naše zdraví.

Glutamát – nepřítel, nebo pomocník?

Že vám název glutamát sodný nebo zkráceně glutamát nic neříká? Jde o dochucovadlo, které se přidává do spousty potravin. Nejčastěji o něm můžete slyšet v souvislosti s rychlým občerstvením, čínskou kuchyní, instantními pokrmy. Většinou se mluví o škodlivosti jeho nadměrného příjmu, hlavně pro děti a dospívající. Ve skutečnosti je to s glutamátem trochu složitější. Co je glutamát a jaký má význam. Jak výrobci skrývají glutamát v potravinách? Používají jiné názvy. Glutamát je látka, která spotřebitele zajímá.

Jak výrobci skrývají glutamát v potravinách? Používají jiné názvy

Dávají si na ni pozor. Potravinám, které glutamáty obsahují, se začínají vyhýbat a podrobně zkoumají etikety na obalech. I pokud ale pečlivě studujete, co za látky jídlo obsahuje, můžete se snadno napálit. Výrobci totiž přišli s "trikem", díky kterému vám informace, že se glutamát v potravině vyskytuje, může uniknout. Výsledky hledání potravin. 100 Delicious, Dirt-Cheap Recipes for the Starving Student » Online College Search. Most students don’t have a lot of cash to spend on food, but that doesn’t mean you have to go hungry.

100 Delicious, Dirt-Cheap Recipes for the Starving Student » Online College Search

With the right recipes and some kitchen savvy, you can eat great even on a student’s budget. Here we’ll share 100 tasty recipes that you can make on the cheap. Along with saving money on meals, budget-savvy students can also save big on a college education by attending inexpensive online colleges. Breakfast Get a good start to your day with these cheap-o breakfasts. Ramen A college staple gets dressed up in these recipes.

Sandwiches Use these recipes to step up your sandwiches. One Pot These simple recipes can be pulled off in one pot. Salads.


Recepty. What to Cook: Su Chef saves time and money on groceries. Langoše - Haló noviny. Langoše.

Langoše - Haló noviny

Treats. Something sweet to a cup of coffee - Брауни-чизкейк с малиной. Так как для предыдущих брауни я использовала не всю малину, решила попробовать и вот такой вариант, тем более, что я еще никогда не пекла вместе эти два чудесных десерта.

something sweet to a cup of coffee - Брауни-чизкейк с малиной

Конечно же, получилось очень вкусно! Accompagnements. Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookies. These cookies were born to forever solve the ‘double-fudge-or-chocolate-chip-cookie’ arguments.Now you can easily enjoy both of these heavenly cookies at the same time.Isn’t it just AWESOME!

Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookies

The inventor of this delicious treat, the lovely Jessica from, definitely deserves my gratitude. Creating this recipe might have been a small step for her household, but it surely is a giant leap for the mankind… To make your own Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookies, you will need these ingredients. The fudge dough and the chocolate chip dough are worked in two separate bowls. The ingredients that form the doughs are almost the same, the only difference is that the fudge dough contains cocoa powder and it also uses a slightly different amount of flour.1.

Yummly. Parmesan Roasted Baby Potatoes. 100 Delicious, Dirt-Cheap Recipes for the Starving Student. 2-Minute Chocolate Chip Cookie For One. This is one of those ‘I-need-a-cookie-right-now-or-I-die’ recipes that can be prepared in almost no time.We all know that kind of situation, don’t we?

2-Minute Chocolate Chip Cookie For One

I definitely do, I confess.And you know what? This impressive cookie not only takes less than 5 minutes to prepare, it tastes really delicious. Just like a good chocolate chip cookie.The preparation is beyond easy… just have a look… First you need this stuff. Recipes, Menus, Cooking Articles & Food Guides.

Naan Recipe: If You Can Make Pancakes, You Can Make Naan. Naan is one of my favorite components of an Indian meal.

Naan Recipe: If You Can Make Pancakes, You Can Make Naan

Sometimes when I go to an Indian buffet, I’ll hit the buffet one last time for naan only so that it is the last flavor in my mouth when I walk out the door. What is Naan? Naan is an Indian bread that is similar to pita, but so much better (don’t even try to debate it with me)! Oven Roasted Potatoes. When I heard this month’s Kitchen Bootcamp Challenge was potatoes, I was pumped.

Oven Roasted Potatoes

Originally, I had great plans for the sweet potatoes still in my basement from last fall, but after researching and chatting with the hubby, I decided to go with Yukon Gold potatoes instead. My husband isn’t a huge fan of sweet potatoes and I wanted to make something he would enjoy too, so that’s how I settled on this oven roasted potato recipe. Yukon Golds are our favorite potato to grow in the garden and they absolutely melt in your mouth when freshly dug from the garden.

Garlicky Baked Fries. I’m never going to make garlic potato fries any other way.

Garlicky Baked Fries

These garlic fries, win hands down as the best garlic french fries I’ve ever made. Plus they are baked – so I won’t feel too guilty if I make it every time I’m craving for some potato comfort. When I read that there is garlic infused oil involved, my heart skipped a beat (in a good way, not the way oil would otherwise treat your heart). Vegies and Salad. Baked Egg Boat recipe. Breakfast is my favorite meal. I like to drink iced coffee and watch the cream climb its way down the chunky ice cubes in a dazy before the caffeine hits. Yummly. Food.