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Karl Marx Was Right  : Chris Hedges:   Information Clearing House - ICH. Karl Marx Was Right By Chris Hedges On Saturday at the Left Forum in New York City, Chris Hedges joined professors Richard Wolff and Gail Dines to discuss why Karl Marx is essential at a time when global capitalism is collapsing.

Karl Marx Was Right  : Chris Hedges:   Information Clearing House - ICH

These are the remarks Hedges made to open the discussion. Rok, kdy byl USA vedený kapitalismus odhalen jako hlavní příčina globálního konfliktu. Komentáře Finian Cunnigham( více o autorovi > ) Historici budou možná pohlížet na rok 2014 jako na rozhodující předěl v geopolitických událostech, na rok, kdy byla odhalena hranice americké moci, coby upadajícího subjektu a současného kořene globálních konfliktů.

Rok, kdy byl USA vedený kapitalismus odhalen jako hlavní příčina globálního konfliktu

Byl rokem stého výročí první světové války, kdy byly tehdejší velké mocnosti podobně odhaleny při svých pokusech odložit nevyhnutelný zánik prostřednictvím války. Na počátku 20. století byla především Británie umírajícím hegemonem, sužovaným konkurencí vynořujícího se Německa a ztrátou své říše. USA byly tehdy jen energickou novou mocností, kterou byla Británie, bohužel, schopna zapřáhnout do zlepšování svého neduživého stavu. Rusko se opětovně vynořilo na světové scéně jako nová mocnost, spolu s Čínou a dalšími členy BRICS. Why you’re wrong about communism: 7 huge misconceptions about it (and capitalism) Untitled. Chinese executive pay is looking more Western.


Compensation of chief executive officers is increasingly linked to corporate performance even as the communist state retains control of the largest firms, Alex Bryson, John Forth and Minghai Zhou wrote in “Same or Different? The CEO Labour Market in China’s Public Listed Companies.”

Kapitalismus a korupce

Obrana kapitalismu. Kritika kapitalismu. Globální finanční kapitalismus. ‘Global finance capitalism is a fraud’ — RT Op-Edge. Published time: December 04, 2013 03:12 A customer walks into the main branch of Landsbankinn Bank in downtown Reykjavik (Reuters / Bob Strong) Iceland can be viewed as a successful example of a country that is breaking away from global financial capitalism, a system designed to drive countries forever into debt, Rodney Shakespeare, Professor of Binary Economics told RT.

‘Global finance capitalism is a fraud’ — RT Op-Edge

RT: Do you share this optimism about Iceland's financial recovery? Rodney Shakespeare: Iceland is quite right to make an upright challenge to the global financial system. Unless you say that you are going to throw it out the window, they will always succeed in creating money out of nothing, lending to you with administration cost and interest, lending it for anything except the real economy. You must rely on your own national bank for your own uses, for your own real economy and for the spreading of it.

We need a revolt against this global financial system and in its own way Iceland is setting a reasonable example.

Kapitalismus a demokracie

Kritik kapitalismu nerovná se advokát komunismu. The Pope and Capitalism. Pope Francis, in his apostolic exhortation, levied charges against free market capitalism, denying that “economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world” and concluding that “this opinion … has never been confirmed by the facts.”

The Pope and Capitalism

He went on to label unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny.” Let’s look at the pope’s tragic vision. First, I acknowledge that capitalism fails miserably when compared with heaven or a utopia. Any earthly system is going to come up short in such a comparison. However, mankind must make choices among alternative economic systems that actually exist on earth. Pope finds a new enemy - capitalism. Pope Francis's attack on some of the values of capitalism has reignited a long-running debate about whether the free market is compatible with Christianity.

Pope finds a new enemy - capitalism

The recently elected Pope continued his revitalization of the Church with an outspoken statement against the "new tyranny" of "unfettered capitalism. " (Read more: Pope Francis on capitalism) "Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth,encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,"he wrote, in a direct rebuttal of the theory espoused by free-market thinkers that wealth eventually benefits the whole of society.

"This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralised workings of the prevailing economic system. " In essence, no to Gordon Gekko, yes to Bill Gates. (Read more: Vatican opens its books) Pope Francis should embrace capitalism. It creates the wealth that makes charity possible. Christians are no friend of the golden calf.

Pope Francis should embrace capitalism. It creates the wealth that makes charity possible

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple and warned that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to Heaven. Pope Francis's Challenge to Global Capitalism. A week after Pope Francis released his first papal exhortation, the innocuously named “Joy of the Gospel,” it is still causing ruptures.

Pope Francis's Challenge to Global Capitalism

Rush Limbaugh dismissed it as “pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the Pope.” At least one Roman Catholic group demanded that Limbaugh apologize and retract his remarks, but that seems unlikely. And meanwhile, some conservative economic commentators, while stopping short of echoing Limbaugh’s words, have accused the Pope of misrepresenting global capitalism, and ignoring its role in wealth creation. It’s the not the first time that the seventy-six-year-old Argentine has created controversy since he took over the papacy in March.

But on this occasion, what is he actually saying? A papal exhortation is an official statement issued by the Vatican that ranks below formal encyclicals, which are used to state the Church’s position on things like abortion and contraception, but above a regular letter to the faithful. “Dehumanization” is a strong word. Papal Bull: Why Pope Francis Should Be Grateful For Capitalism. Andrew Napolitano: Pope Misguided on Capitalism. Pope Francis is misguided in his beliefs about the dangers of capitalism, and instead of commenting on economic issues he should focus exclusively on matters affecting faith and morality, says Andrew Napolitano.

Andrew Napolitano: Pope Misguided on Capitalism

Editor's Note: Pastor Uses ‘Biblical Money Code’ to Help His Father Retire In an op-ed piece for The Washington Times the former New Jersey Superior Court judge and senior judicial analyst for Fox News says the Pope is "wide of the mark" in his verdict that free-market capitalism undermines the social mobility of the poor as he suggested in his recent apostolic exhortation. What Should a Pope Say about Capitalism? If you are a free marketeer offended by Pope Francis’s Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) — in which he critiqued “deified” market capitalism and attacked income inequality — ask yourself: What should the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church say about economics in 2013?

What Should a Pope Say about Capitalism?

Should he take a victory lap over free enterprise’s defeat of Communism as if it were 1993? Pope Francis offers his sharp challenge in the wake of a deep global recession whose aftermath continues to plague advanced economies. At the same time, globalization and technology have created both amazing wealth and growing inequality within nations around the world.

A recent Goldman Sachs analysis, for instance, finds a long-term “hollowing out” in the U.S. labor market: The past three recessions brought deep cuts in middle-wage jobs that weren’t made up during subsequent recoveries. Hardly a Randian paean to the Heroic One Percent, that. OPINION: Pope wrong to demonize capitalism. Pope Francis critiques excesses of capitalism. The “Evangelli Gaudium” issued by Pope Francis last Nov. 24 is arguably the most important document to come out of the papal office this year. It lays down the social challenges that the Pope finds in today’s world. In a brief but powerful message, he reveals the need to apply ethical norms, not only in matters of private concern, but also to the great areas of politics and economics. The Pope’s social criticism is primarily directed against an economic and financial system in which the masses are exposed to the twin evils of inequality and exclusion.

The Pope refers to it, not by name, but by its basic features.

Kpitalismus a svobodný trh

Intervencionismus. Hybrid of socialism and the free market works, not trickle-down. Neo-Liberal Capitalism: Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses. In science, a theory is abandoned or substantially modified if it does not concur with the emerging facts, fails to predict important events, or is contradicted by experiments. That, alas, does not seem to apply to economic theories. Free-market (neo-liberal) capitalism has been the dominant type of capitalism for the last three decades; it failed spectacularly to predict the 2008 global economic crash, the second largest economic crisis in history, after the great depression.


Krize kapitalismu. Capitalism - Capitalism. The degree of competition, role of intervention and regulation, and scope of state ownership varies across different models of capitalism.[5] Economists, political economists, and historians have taken different perspectives in their analysis of capitalism and recognized various forms of it in practice. These include laissez-faire capitalism, welfare capitalism, crony capitalism and state capitalism; each highlighting varying degrees of dependency on markets, public ownership, and inclusion of social policies. The extent to which different markets are free, as well as the rules defining private property, is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism. Kapitalismus. Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit. Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Stát si většinou ponechává možnost takový ekonomický systém regulovat zákony, např. zákoníkem práce či obchodním zákoníkem. Anarchokapitalismus je pak název pro systém kapitalismu bez přítomnosti jakékoli státní regulace.