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Drones. Policy Debate Over Drone Strikes Muddied by Competing Data. Drones Robotics Unmanned Systems. Bezpilotní letadla. Printing: U.S. Drone Strike: Illegal, Immoral, Illegitimate. November 8, 2013 By Larry Everest Civilian deaths are built into the logic of the US drone war and the whole "war on terror" -- drones are immoral and illegitimate tools in an immoral, unjust, and illegitimate "war on terror" aimed at preserving a world of terror and oppression, not ending it. For the past 12 years, following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States has been waging what it initially called a globa l "war on terror.

" Through various adjustments and "rebrandings," this has included the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq; the construction of a massive apparatus to spy on people all over the world; and, increasingly, global drone warfare: missiles fired from unmanned aircraft, or drones. Since 2002, there have been hundreds of drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and perhaps other countries.

The U.S. government steadfastly claims these drone strikes are "necessary, legal, and just. " Four drones were visible overhead. Printing: Pandora and The Drones. In November 2001, when the CIA assassinated al-Qaeda commander Mohammed Atef with a killer drone in Kandahar, Afghanistan, the U.S. held a virtual monopoly on the technology of lethal robots. Today, more than 70 countries in the world deploy drones, 16 of them the deadly variety, and many of those drones target rural people living on the margins of the modern world. Armed drones have been hailed as a technological breakthrough in the fight against terrorists who, in the words of President Obama, "take refuge in remote tribal regions...hide in caves and walled compounds...train in empty deserts and rugged mountains.

" But much of the butcher's bill for the drones has fallen on people who live in those deserts and mountains, many of whom are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time or get swept into a definition of "terrorist" so broad it that embraces virtually all adult males. Iran recently unveiled a missile-firing "Fotros" robot to join its "Shahad 129" armed drone. 50 Organizations Seek Ban on Armed Drones. Fifty organizations and over 75,000 individuals are asking . . . the United Nations Secretary General to investigate the concerns of Navi Pillay, the U.N.'s top human rights official, that drone attacks violate international law -- and to ultimately pursue sanctions against nations using, possessing, or manufacturing weaponized drones;the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate grounds for the criminal prosecution of those responsible for drone attacks;the U.S.

Secretary of State, and the ambassadors to the United States from the nations of the world, to support a treaty forbidding the possession or use of weaponized drones;President Barack Obama, to abandon the use of weaponized drones, and to abandon his "kill list" program regardless of the technology employed;the Majority and Minority Leaders of the U.S. At over 75,000 people have signed a petition, many adding their own statements. Joy First of Mt. Footnotes: Dodatečné podrobnosti o letadlech bez letců. V nedávno uveřejněném (NP, 24.9.2013) textu jsem se zmínil o značném potenciálu dehumanizace, kdy bojovník, tuze vzdálen od místa způsobované zkázy, pozbývá zábran být její příčinou. Leckdo takové počínání pokládá nejenom za zbabělé, ale i kontraproduktivní. Především rodinným příslušníkům obětí se dostává ideální motivace k pomstě, tak získávat nové dobrovolníky do vlastních řad. Často slyšenou námitkou proti legitimitě oněch drones - letadel bez pilota - je proportionality, neúměrnost zásahu, takto jít na komára s kanonem., spolu s adjektivem collateral, když oběťmi se stávají nejen bojovníci v uniformách, ale nezúčastnění civilisté.

Letecké bombardování Drážďan, ono inferno v únoru 1945, poslouží znamenitým příkladem. I kdysi objektivní BBC zdůrazňuje nepoměr mezi množstvím způsobených muslimských a izraelských ztrát, a tedy i odpovědnosti za způsobenou spoušť. Po řadu let jen pramálo kritiků zpochybňovalo oprávněnost zásahů těmito automatickými trubci. Starostí neubývá. US Targeted Killings. Britain is up to its neck in US dirty wars and death squads | Seumas Milne. You might have thought the war on terror was finally being wound down, 12 years after the US launched it with such disastrous results. President Obama certainly gave that impression earlier this year when he declared that "this war, like all wars, must end". In fact, the Nobel peace prize winner was merely redefining it.

There would be no more "boundless global war on terror", he promised. By which he meant land wars and occupations are out for now, even if the US is still negotiating for troops to remain in Afghanistan after the end of next year. But the war on terror is mutating, growing and spreading. Scahill's film noir-style investigation starts with the massacre of a police commander's family by a US Joint Special Operations Command (Jsoc) secret unit in Gardez, Afghanistan (initially claimed by the US military to have been honour killings). Of course, the US and its friends have carried out covert assassinations and sponsored death squads for many years. Jak Amerika a Británie beztrestně vraždí civilisty po celém světě.

Scahillova investigace ve stylu film noir začíná masakrem rodiny policejního velitele tajnou jednotkou amerického velitelství zvláštních operací (JSOC) v Gardezu v Afghánistánu (americká armáda původně tvrdila, že šlo o afghánské vraždy ve věci cti). Film pak zaznamenává vražedný útok americkou raketou s plochou dráhou letu v Majale v Jemenu, která usmrtila 46 civilistů včetně 21 dětyí, vraždu radikálního amerického duchovního Anwara al-Awlakigho a jeho šestnáctiletého syna, a outsourcované únosy a vraždy, prováděné jménem JSOCu a CIA místními válečnými magnáty v Somálsku.

Film dokumentuje rozsah tajného zabíjení, které provádějí americké speciální jednotky - v určitou dobu prováděly Spojené státy v Afghánistánu každou noc 20 leteckých úderů bezpilotními letadly i jasnou skutečnost, že tyto jednotky fungují jako popravčí čety, jejichž vraždění se prezentuje vděčnému národu doma jako "cílené zabíjení" teroristů a povstalců. A Británie jim napomáhá při každém kroku. Robotics and Unmanned Systems: New ‘Automated’ Technologies for America’s Imperial Wars. In a previous article, we discussed the ethical, and the legal dilemma, of the roll-out of artificial intelligence through the next generations of drones in the US and Israeli unmanned fleets. The world is changing, and rapidly. The ‘experts’ are having difficulty adjusting to both technological advances, as well as social advances where societies are beginning to discard the concept, albeit rejecting altogether – the entire premise modern imperial warfare.

Still, the out-dated institutions plough ahead with budgeted programs on anything and everything, traditional as well as newly advanced killing machines… While the US is weighed down spending fortunes on military industrial pork and other old technologies, it is also burning through its checkbook in R & D and acquisitions of newer applications – all in order to keep ahead of the Chinese Jones’s. No kidding. Is the U.S. military ready to embrace new technologies that will define future wars? Copyright 21st Century Wire 2013. Unmanned aerial vehicle -