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Viewcontent. Before You Assign That Homework – What Students Wish You Knew. “Should teachers assign homework?” Was the question I asked my students today. I thought I knew the answer, a resounding no I was sure, and yet, once again my 7th graders surprised me. While some pleaded for no more homework, many said they understood the purpose of it, that it was a necessary component of school and then wrote a paragraph asking for change. Asking for their thoughts to be considered. Asking for teachers to think before they assign. So what my students wish teachers knew before homework is assigned is now written here for the world to see. They wish teachers knew just how busy they are. They wish teachers knew just how stressed they are.

They wish teachers knew that they don’t always need the practice. They wish teachers knew how much we all assign. They wish teachers knew that they have worked really hard in school and wish they could have a break. Finally, they wish teachers actually did their own homework. Once again, my students thoughts push my own thinking. Learningtheories-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1614 × 1145 pixels) - Scaled (60%) Education 3.0: Mobile & Social. A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers: Learning Models. Learning Models, Theories, and Technology: A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers by Terry Heick and TeachThought Staff Purpose: Improving our chance for a common language in discussing existing and emerging learning trends, model, and technology in hopes of innovation in classrooms, and collectively, education at large.

Audience: K-12 & higher ed educators, researchers, institutions, and organizations globally. Form: An index of learning models, theories, forms, terminology, technology, and research to help you keep up with the latest trends in 21st century learning. Revisions: Persistently updated. Ed note: As stated, this is an ambitious work in progress that we’re choosing to share as we proof, revise, iterate, and generally improve for wider dissemination. Ed note 2: If you’d like to help update and improve this page, and have the background, curiosity, and/or expertise to contribute, email me.

A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers: Learning Models & Technology Activity-Based Learning.