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Viewcontent. Before You Assign That Homework – What Students Wish You Knew. “Should teachers assign homework?”

Before You Assign That Homework – What Students Wish You Knew

Was the question I asked my students today. I thought I knew the answer, a resounding no I was sure, and yet, once again my 7th graders surprised me. While some pleaded for no more homework, many said they understood the purpose of it, that it was a necessary component of school and then wrote a paragraph asking for change. Asking for their thoughts to be considered. Asking for teachers to think before they assign. Learningtheories-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1614 × 1145 pixels) - Scaled (60%) Education 3.0: Mobile & Social. A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers: Learning Models.

Learning Models, Theories, and Technology: A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers by Terry Heick and TeachThought Staff Purpose: Improving our chance for a common language in discussing existing and emerging learning trends, model, and technology in hopes of innovation in classrooms, and collectively, education at large.

A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers: Learning Models