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A theory for living amongst the ruins after capitalism. “It is clear that capitalism as a civilization is already over, and it knows it. The ruling class of our time knows it can make no claim to rule for anyone but themselves. Hence their instinct to hide from us, to spy on us, to arm and fortify themselves, and to plunder and loot like there is no tomorrow. Because there is no tomorrow. So we have to understand, and process the feeling, of living among the ruins. But the work of making another civilization has already begun. The “situation is one in which the sum total of social labor undermines its own conditions of planetary existence.

Excerpted from a key and must read text from McKenzie Wark: “What then is theory for the Anthropocene? That situation is one in which the sum total of social labor undermines its own conditions of planetary existence. Certain basic ways of knowing about such things necessarily come to us only from the natural sciences.

Theory has to rethink its relation to ways of knowing that are not its own. Framework: Collaborative Economy Honeycomb. Above: Version 1.1 of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb Added new Airbnb logo Understand the Collaborative Economy market in one, single image. Please share widely, with attribution, non-commercially: Click image to see JPG version 3,600 X 2,250 The Collaborative Economy enables people to efficiently get what they need from each other. People use powerful technologies that enable Crowd-funding, Peer-to-Peer lending, the Maker Movement, and the Sharing Economy.

Similarly, in nature, honeycombs are resilient structures that efficiently enable many individuals to access, share, and grow resources within a common group. In this visual representation, the sharing economy is organized into six discrete families of goods, services, space, food, transportation and money. The companies listed in this graphic are just a small representation. Notable Industry Stats: The crowd is becoming like a company. Mapping the emerging Post-Capitalist paradigm and its main thinkers by BlacqSwans - Commons Transition.

Mapping the emerging post-capitalist paradigm, and its main thinkers. Blaq from recently approached us with the original French infographics he co-produced with his colleague Celine Trefle depicting the current capitalist paradigm and the emerging post-capitalist alternatives seeking to counter it. The diagrams were originally inspired by a discussion on Michel Bauwen’s book with Jean Lievens on P2P post-capitalist solutions and they were subsequently complemented with other notes and sketches. Blaq and Celine have been kind enough to translate the French originals for publication in our blog, as well the accompanying text below. You can find higher resolution versions of the diagrams in the links at the bottom of this post. Please note that the current graph is weak on female thinkers and do-ers. Please help the authors complement these graphs via our open p2p group on Facebook. In the meantime, we recommend checking out our series on 100 Women who are co-constructing the P2P society (You can contribute to the project here)