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Jugendfreigabe. The Ten Commandments of Saints Row: The Third. Share. Whether you're a sinner or a saint, these are ten gaming rules to live by. By Tristan OgilvieFor game developers it's the design document that's their bible, as it lays out a complete overview of how the game will work, but for lazy folks like us, that just sounds like a whole lot of reading. Nope, when we want to know what's what on a game, we turn to the tried and tested – stone tablets, as they get straight to the point. Join us as we publish the latest stone tablets to be discovered at IGN AU HQ, the Ten Commandments of Saints Row: The Third. 1. Thou Shalt be the Antidote for Authenticity The original Saints Row benefited by being the first open world crime cab off the rank in a console generation without a GTA game. Then GTA IV came out, and although it more than deserved its many plaudits and commercial success, its strict focus on realism left the door wide open for Saints Row 2 to stumble through, naked and sh*tfaced and ready to party. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Crazy Morphing Magic Table Surface / Magiczny stół. 25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer.


3D Printed Record. First I prepared some test files to print to get an idea of what is possible with the printer and optimize the dimensions of the grooves. These record files have circular grooves on them containing sine waves of various frequencies, amplitudes, groove depths, groove widths, and beveled groove edges. (When I say that the groove "contained" a sine wave, I mean the bottom of the groves moves up and down in a sinusoidal pattern around the record). I generated all of these files in Processing using the ModelBuilder library to export straight to STL. My first test record had 72 grooves on it, screen shots of the model are shown in figs 2 through 6 I tested two frequencies of sine waves: 1000 cycles per revolution = 555Hz at 33RPM 500 cycles per revolution = 277Hz at 33RPM I tested a few different amplitudes, depths, and groove widths for these frequencies and gave each groove a constant bevel size of 2px on each side (you can see in fig 5 how the edges of the groove flare outward).

Multicopter. Kritik und Anleitung: Einfach mal wieder richtig Musik hören !–! ?–? | Berlin Mitte Institut - House & Techno Party Blog, Soziologie elektronischer Tanzmusik, Electronic Dance Music. Heute schreibe ich über einen Widerspruch, welcher mich persönlich schön länger bewegt und auch ärgert. Nämlich die Tatsache, dass Musik einerseits immer prominenter wird in der Gesellschaft, immer mehr Musik entsteht, und Musik sich in immer mehr Kontexten etabliert. Gleichzeitig jedoch sorgt die Form der Etablierung dafür, dass wir nicht ”richtig” Musik hören. Ich spreche hier z.B.. von Clubbing, Discotheken, Musikvideos, Musik beim Internetsurfen oder auch der alltägliche Gebrauch von mobilen Musikplayern. Obwohl Musik in den Mittelpunkt rückt, so ist sie doch eher eine Klangtapete als der Gegenstand der Aufmerksamkeit selbst. Edit: Anbei ein Mix, den ihr für die Anleitung weiter unten probieren solltet: Deadbeat vs. Monolake Livemix Einer meiner Interviewten Musikproduzenten bezeichnete dies mal recht treffend: “Musik ist halt so ne Wegwerfware geworden, das heißt, wenn du den Leuten was vorspielst sagen die ja, klingt gut, hören aber gar nicht mehr genau hin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How And Why To Keep A “Commonplace Book” The other day I was reading a book and I came across a little anecdote. It was about the great Athenian general Themistocles. Before the battle of Salamis, he was locked in a vigorous debate with a Spartan general about potential strategies for defeating the Persians. Themistocles was clearly in the minority with his views (but which ultimately turned out to be right and saved Western Civilization).

He continued to interrupt and contradict the other generals. When I read this, I immediately began a ritual that I have practiced for many years–and that others have done for centuries before me–I marked down the passage and later transferred it to my “commonplace book.” In other posts, we’ve talked about how to read more, which books to read, how to read books above your level and how to write. What is a Commonplace book? A commonplace book is a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your life and didactic pursuits. Mark Millar: Kick-Ass 2 Author is Comics Sickest Mind. 'You're Done Banging Superheroes, Baby' How the sickest mind in comic books became their biggest star The premise of Nemesis was simple.

“Nemesis is a reversal of the Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark archetype,” its author Mark Millar told an interviewer just before the comic came out in 2010. “What if this genius billionaire was just this total shit, and the only thing that stood between him and a city was the cops?” The execution was as horrifying as the set-up was straightforward. The titular protagonist—a twist on a paradigm beloved by hundreds of millions of moviegoers and comics readers—spent four issues committing crimes that the Marquis de Sade would have been hard-pressed to stomach. Take, for example, what he did to the son and daughter of his rival, a big-city police chief. Welcome to the twisted imagination of Mark Millar, where all facets of the superhero genre are fair game for subversion. Millar’s most successful books are built around provocative elevator pitches.

Logical Increments - PC Buying Guide. "I Dream of Wires: Hardcore Edition" trailer (09/2013 re-issue) Gaslighting. The term owes its origin to the play Gas Light and its film adaptations, after which it was coined popularly. The term has been used in clinical and research literature.[3][4] Etymology[edit] Clinical examples[edit] Sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but typically, are also charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing.

Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.[7] Some physically abusive spouses may gaslight their partners by flatly denying that they have been violent.[4] Gaslighting describes a dynamic observed in some cases of marital infidelity: "Therapists may contribute to the victim's distress through mislabeling the woman's reactions. [...] Introjection[edit] Resisting[edit] In the media[edit] The 2000 Steely Dan album Two Against Nature includes a song entitled "Gaslighting Abbie". See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] ELI5: Why does a major chord sound happy, while a minor chord sounds sad? : explainlikeimfive. Anatomy of a Stick Figure. DIY. 6 Reasons You Really Can't Believe Anything You Read Online. #3. Blogs Will Basically Publish Anything Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images A short story that makes this abundantly clear. When I sold my first book, I put out a fake press announcement that said I'd received a $500,000 advance.

A bunch of blogs wrote about it. Photos.comOne of the few times in history that "I'm a big deal on the Internet" has ever worked out. That's how it works ... and I'm a nobody. Sure, sometimes the media get lucky and the anonymous or unverified tip they get turns out to be a massive (and true) story. But more often when they pull things from social media, from online news wires, from Twitter buzz, from random emails or sources whose agendas they don't check, it blows up in their faces. KTVU-TVPictured: Journalism. Why does this happen?

#2. Because the media is basically under direct financial motivation to shoot first and ask questions later, corrections are pretty important. Except that doesn't matter at all. #1. Andrew H. How to Create Your Content Machine. “Whoa Jon! What’s a content machine?” Great question, voice in my head. Your content machine is how you take in content across multiple channels daily. It’s simply a collection of all of the news, blog articles, tweets, and one-offs that are being put in front of you by way of Gmail, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or even Reddit.

We often don’t put much thought into our content machines and how we’re setting up channels for consumption. That said, creating your content machine is essential to ensuring that the stories you happen upon are the best in your network, and setting up your channels to do this isn’t very complicated. The first step is recognizing what your content machine already looks like. Ask yourself, “What do I find myself reading a lot? Be honest with yourself and acknowledge what sources influence you the most. Next, let’s go through some of the more common channels and see how we can make them work for our content machine more effectively. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion. Like this: Irgendwas mit farben. | Haustierbedarf | Tierfutter online | Hundefutter bestellen. DIY Instructables - Share What You Make.


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