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YoungFemaleScientist. Why People Believe in Conspiracies. Climate FAIL Files. This page lists climate science and climate impact claims that have either not been proven, or have had the claim modified, moved, or expanded to protect the claimant from having to admit the original claim was wrong.

Climate FAIL Files

This will always be a work in progress. New items will be added as they are examined and will include: The claim itself – what was stated as factual or predicted? A clear unambiguous statement, such as “50 million climate refugees by 2010″Proof of the original claim – website, documents, photos, audio, video that clearly and unambiguously show the claim being made sometime in the past.A test of the of the claim, and the results – website, documents, photos, audio, video that clearly and unambiguously show the claim not coming true or not meeting the claim. and /or First entry: The Claim: 50 million climate refugees will be produced by climate change by the year 2010.

The Proof: Population actually gained in some Caribbean Island for which 2010 census figures were available. Blogs: Doug Craig's blog. "It means buckle your seat belt Dorothy because Kansas is going bye-bye.

Blogs: Doug Craig's blog

" I guess we all have compartments in our brain where we keep some things separate from other things. Four years ago I was nearly killed as I sat on a motor-scooter while waiting for the light to change. And five years ago my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. We are both doing fine now but we had our moments when we weren't so sure. When things suddenly and brutally stop being normal, you wonder if they ever will again. Climate change is real. Bad Astronomy. Well now, this is an interesting discovery: astronomers have found what looks like a "super-Earth" – a planet more massive than Earth but still smaller than a gas giant – orbiting a nearby star at the right distance to have liquid water on it!

Bad Astronomy

Given that, it might – might – be Earthlike. This is pretty cool news. We’ve found planets like this before, but not very many! And it gets niftier: the planet has at least five siblings, all of which orbit its star closer than it does. Now let me be clear: this is a planet candidate; it has not yet been confirmed. The star is called HD 40307, and it’s a bit over 40 light years away (pretty close in galactic standards, but I wouldn’t want to walk there). Massive planets tug on their star harder, so they’re easier to find this way. In this case, HD 40307 was originally observed a little while back by HARPS, and three planets were found. We don’t know how big the planet is, unfortunately. That’s exciting because of the prospect for life. ACTUAL AND REVEALING NEWS, SCIENCE, TECH, SPACE, ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS, HISTORY, MYSTERIES, SECRETS, UFO AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE. Science News – Science Articles and Current Events.

Simple Questions with No Answers. By Natalie Wolchover | September 13, 2012 03:28pm ET Credit: Public domain Ask a physicist about the radius of the black hole at the center of the galaxy and she'll tell you more than you wanted to know.

Simple Questions with No Answers

Ask her how a bicycle works, and she'll shrug. It may surprise you to learn that scientists lack explanations for some of the simplest questions you might think to ask. Read on for a taste of the many seemingly mundane questions no know can answer.