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12 Troubling Predictions For Internet Marketers In 2012. I couldn’t believe my Gmail inbox. I had just received an email from an old friend Bradley. For as long as I’ve known him he’s been pulling a healthy 6 figures a year working in the international finance division of a major commercial bank. After nearly 15 years pushing a desk they cut him a month before Christmas 2011. Bradley had been speaking with a mutual friend who had mentioned that I had been making a lot of money online for about the same length of time as Bradley did working at the bank.

Let me paraphrase his message for you. “Hi David it’s Bradley. I always chuckle when middle-aged white guys channel their inner rapper. He needs to make $150K within 6 months. What would you have told Bradley if you were me? I phoned him. Things got a little heated. Of course he asked me about the web. I was tempted to run the scene from Vegas Vacation with Chevy Chase and the little guy from Princess Bride on him. The entire discussion, while mildly entertaining was frankly, terrifying. 1. 2. What is Pinterest? Existential Social Networking; Making Sense of the Absurd Amount of Data We Must Filter | HTML Cheatsheet. Create your temporary spambox! Follow Friday Top 10 and Twitter Tip. Posted by John Paul Aguiar in Twitter Marketing Follow Friday 10 Favorites It amazes me how much I get out of Twitter each week. Just when I think things have leveled off a little, I end up connecting with amazing people.

This week I wrote a post about how bad Klout is at defining you and your influence and the best thing was how many people came to me and said “JP, I feel the same way” To have that many people who “just get it” and know what truly determines your worth/influence is pretty damn cool. They know that all it takes to be influential is… Hard Work Time Great Content/Info Connecting and Building Relationships Give As Much As You Get That is it! Some of those people are in today’s Top 10 Quick Update I mentioned a few weeks back that I would be launching a New site revolved around Twitter. But for now I will drop a little teaser with what we call the New Platform. Twitter Direct Message Recommendation Advertising Ok, back to the Top 10… Connect – Engage – Grow Twitter Tip Top 10 – Week 26.

How to Get Over 100 Tweets on Autopilot on Each and Every Post You Write – @SocialMouths. This is a guestpost by Ana Hoffman from Traffic Generation Cafe. I am asked over and over again how I manage to get over a hundred tweets per post on a regular basis. The answer is actually quite simple and, in many ways, very obvious: it’s all about networking and collaboration. Here are my 7 ways to get an impressive number of retweets nearly on autopilot. 1. Quantity Matters I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – quantity of your Twitter followers does matter. Of course, I am not discounting quality either. You have to admit though: with 100K+ followers, my posts are much more likely to get retweeted for that reason alone. I can see that those of you who are following me @WebTrafficCafe are raising their eyebrows: 100K?

The thing is that my followers are divided into 6 different Twitter accounts. Not only this strategy helps me to get the maximum number of followers in the shortest period of time, but also every time I send a tweet about my blog post, I get 6 RTs instead of one. 2. 3. 1. Content importing killed off on Facebook. Facebook is doing away with the import feature found with notes. This feature has enabled a lot of bloggers create an avenue or sorts between Facebook and the latest content of their blog, which when enabled automatically shared a new note containing a snippet of your content, an image, and even a link to the original article. The reasons why they’re killing off this feature is unknown right now, but I have a feeling it has to do with user loyalty. By removing the ability to automatically share content on Facbeook, Facebook is most likely missing out on visits from content creators. This forces us to visit Facebook ever time we want to share something. And while I don’t thing Facebook is evil or malicious toward its users in any way, I do think they have a lot of smart business people involved and that this may be a way to build their defenses against Google+.

SiteBuilder Plus. Rapidly Evolving Malware Requires Next Generation Security Strategies - Cisco’s recent Global Threat Report indicates that the rate of unique instances of malware have increased significantly in the second quarter - almost 300,000 instances of malware were found in June, which is more than double the number of malware (105,536) Cisco found in March 2011. This report also reveals that organizations with more than 25,000 employees have experienced more malware attacks compared to smaller sized companies. Some common methods used by malware authors include: Brute-force server login attempts SQL injection attacks Denial of service (DoS) firings Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack“Advanced persistent threats (APTs) played a key role in many of the breaches. APTs are generally rootkit-enabled, exhibit no visible symptoms of infection, and often employ escalation of privilege and other forms of exploit to traverse the compromised network.

Anti-virus programs play a very important role in every company’s security infrastructure. About. The Health Dangers of Aspartame. I previously discussed a company that launched an anti-aspartame campaign in New Zealand, and ever since, I’ve been sent tons of questions concerning the various dangers of aspartame. Aspartame is a non-saccharine artificial sweetener currently used in over 6,000 diet and low calorie food products. Popular trademark brands of the sweetener in the United States include NutraSweet®, Equal®, and Tropicana Slim®, which are used to sweeten a number of sodas and chewing gums. However, research done on aspartame has shown that it may not be completely safe for human consumption, and may cause a number of health complications if taken in large amounts. Efforts to revoke FDA approval on aspartame have so far been unsuccessful, so it is advisable to simply avoid these products whenever possible.

What Can Aspartame Do to You? Aspartame is an NMDA receptor antagonist, which means that it inhibits the release of neurotransmitters that cause pain within the body. Why Was Aspartame Approved by the FDA? How To Increase Immune System. Facebook Users Beware: Facebook's New Feature Could Embarrass You. If you didn't watch Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook announcements last week — and of course the vast majority of Facebook users did not — you may be in for a surprise.

Aside from the dramatically redesigned Facebook Timeline profile pages, which roll out in the coming weeks (and which I've grown to love), Facebook's new system to auto-share what you do around the web may catch many Facebook addicts off guard. In fact, even those people who know exactly how this new feature works may need to be on guard against sharing some seriously embarrassing updates.

For those not in the loop: Facebook is making sharing even easier by automatically sharing what you're doing on Facebook-connected apps. Instead of having to "Like" something to share it, you'll just need to click "Add to Timeline" on any website or app, and that app will have permission to share your activity with your Facebook friends. What activity, you ask? Can you see the possible issue here? 1. Heck, I even find myself doing it.

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