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100 of the Most Inspiring Business Videos on YouTube. YouTube is filled with inspirational videos of all types, including those created by businesses or individuals looking to inspire others to succeed. Let’s look at 100 of the most inspiring business videos ever placed on this site. Great Inspirational Tips for Business Success Take a look at these cool business inspiration clips. 1. 9 Steps to Achieve Any Goal – Isn’t it great to know that you can make your business and personal dreams come true in nine steps? 2. ABCs of Success – A powerful strategy for personal and professional success. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Home Business Inspiration Starting a home business can be a scary prospect. 16. – Awesome inspiration to create your own work-from-home business. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Humorous Business Inspiration Sometimes a good laugh can be all the business inspiration you need, especially when that laugh is related to business! 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 10 Books You ABSOLUTELY MUST READ If You Are Tired Of Being Broke (No Self-Help Rah-Rah Bullshit) 1. Buffettology: The Proven Techniques for Investing Successfully in Changing Markets That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Famous Investor I NEVER buy books on stock market. And neither should you. It's a waste of time.

The only person you should listen to is Warren Buffett. After all, he is the riches investor in the world and the second richest man after Bill Gates. 2. Words That Sell lists the words and phrases that stimulate sales, grouping them in a logical, easy-to-find manner. 3. Guy Kawasaki wrote the best book on startups. 4. This book is a fascinating journey into the meaning of truth, lies and BS. 5. The title might sound cheesy, but the book really does share insights on what affluent, and successful really mean. 6. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, for a multitude of reasons. 7. 8. I've read a lot of great books, but this one is the one is truly unique. 9. 10.

15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without. How to Know if Your Business Startup Idea is Any Good. You’re ready to start your own business. You’ve got a killer idea, and you can’t stand one more day in your office (or, let’s face it, on your parents’ couch). How do you know that the idea is a good one? What if you work your butt off and when you make your grand reveal, people don’t like it? Or worse, what if they don’t care? These questions roar through the heads of entrepreneurs. Businesses evolve over time. I’ve compiled the best advice I’ve heard based on countless conversations with entrepreneurs, business books, startup blogs, and conferences. These frameworks can help you figure out if your idea has legs: Alleviate pain.

While working through these thought experiments, it’s also important to do your research and get out into the world: Talk about your idea–a lot. Is Starting A Business Safer Than Your Job? [Infographic] What's Better - Getting a Job or Starting a Business? With a slow economy, many people have turned to entrepreneurship as a means to pay the bills.

Which begs the question, what’s better today — getting a job or starting a business? We dug deep to find out the numbers and have compared the risk of starting a business to keeping a job. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own company, take a look at our graphic below to help decide if entrepreneurship is right for you. What do you think? Small Business Loans Made Simple Create a Free Lendio Account Overview “Laid off? “True entrepreneurs reduce risk to the point that action becomes quite logical.”

Unemployment Rate: 9.1% 26% of North American workers are self-employedIn 2008 on average 2,356 people went into business for themselves every day.Their ventures accounted for 78% of U.S. businesses SELF-EMPLOYMENT There are only four paths toward business ownership: Among the fastest-growing industries are: Reemployment figures: To reduce risk: The Power Of The Mind: How To Train Yourself To Be More Successful : Managing. How can you use the latest discoveries in brain science to improve your life? Here are some techniques. November 02, 2011 Leadership tycoon Warren Bennis once said, “We seem to collect information because we have the ability to do so, but we are so busy collecting it that we haven’t devised a means of using it.

The true measure of any society is not what it knows but what it does with what it knows.” There is a wealth of information at our disposal today on the latest discoveries in brain science. While we enjoy reading about these findings and expanding our intellect, how many of us actually apply these concepts? We can either drown in this information or turn it into a lifesaver by extracting its practical knowledge. Use visualization to learn a new skill Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to continuously create new neural pathways. In a Harvard University study, two groups of volunteers were presented with a piece of unfamiliar piano music. Smile to improve your mood Parker J. Is Your Small Business in Need of Reinvention? [INFOGRAPHIC] In 1998, Steve Jobs triumphantly returned to the company he’d co-founded two decades earlier. At the time, Apple was at a crossroads: Success was anything but certain. “The cure for Apple is not cost-cutting,” Jobs said at the time. “The cure for Apple is to innovate its way out of its current predicament.”

In 2012, countless small businesses are looking to exit their current predicaments. Amid increased competition and uncertain economic conditions, these entrepreneurs — like Jobs — aim to reinvent their way to growth and profits. Innovation Nation Although many small-business owners have recovered from the psychological impact of the economic implosion that began in 2008, self-esteem still isn’t a commodity that’s easy to find. The good news: Throughout history, scores of small ventures have evolved into monster successes as a direct result of reinventing their operations to counter economic or competitive disadvantages. The Route to Reinvention Embed this infographic on your own site: How to Start a Startup. March 2005 (This essay is derived from a talk at the Harvard Computer Society.)

You need three things to create a successful startup: to start with good people, to make something customers actually want, and to spend as little money as possible. Most startups that fail do it because they fail at one of these. A startup that does all three will probably succeed. And that's kind of exciting, when you think about it, because all three are doable. If there is one message I'd like to get across about startups, that's it. The Idea In particular, you don't need a brilliant idea to start a startup around.

Google's plan, for example, was simply to create a search site that didn't suck. There are plenty of other areas that are just as backward as search was before Google. For example, dating sites currently suck far worse than search did before Google. An idea for a startup, however, is only a beginning. What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. People What do I mean by good people? How to Write a Business Plan, Business Planning, Business Planner, Business Plan Software, Business Plan Template, Sample Business Plan, Business Plans, Business Planners, Strategy Development Software, Market Plans, Market Planning, Marketing Plan, 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Do Business Online. If you’re a blogger, an Internet advertiser, or someone running an online business, then consider yourself lucky because you are operating in a world of near-endless opportunities.

The World Wide Web offers tons of chances for people to make connections, find customers, and earn money. Markets are evolving, and more and more consumers are going on the Internet to find information, make purchases, and connect with others. If you’re thinking of doing business online but are still on the fence about it, check out the detailed explanations below on why there is no better time than now to become an online entrepreneur: 1. We are in the information age – The industrial age, which is characterized by assembly lines and factories, is long gone. Jobs are being replaced by computers, and activities that used to take a lot of time and manpower can now be done in minutes or even seconds thanks to computers and the Internet. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The good news is you can do it too. 7. 8. 9. About the author. 41 questions every business leader should ask (The Invisible Thread)

Change is the only constant in the world, there’s no doubt about it. Today more than ever, businesses must face – and effectively manage – rising change and complexity. Uncertainty is everywhere we look. From marketplace shifts to surprise disruptions, managing this new reality is not an easy task. If you think about our organizations today, they are all part of a dynamic business network of relationships with customers, partners and suppliers that shape the way we do business. Bottom line is that the time is up for sitting on the sidelines. As you consider the processes that make your business run, here are 41 key questions you should ask yourself: Does your organization change effectively when it needs to? Tags: ceo business-agility business-leader featured change questions cio agile cto complexity it-leader. Create a Killer Business Plan - Martha Stewart Community. You've got the idea, now package it well!

The way you present your company and vision will determine whether you get the right financial partners and the right deal. Marketing Your IdeaLife is marketing. We're constantly being pitched to as consumers, yet we also market our products, our ideas, and ourselves personally and professionally. But where do so many early-stage entrepreneurs go wrong? They fail to sell their start-up effectively. The business plan, executive summary, and financing pitch are the ultimate marketing tools. As a former entrepreneur and a start-up consultant today, I've certainly seen more business plans than I care to remember. Make your business plan shine with the three "Cs" to success: Be ConciseA concise plan provides a simple explanation for why the business is a great idea, as well as how it will be executed. Be CompellingThe goal is to make your company appear to be deeply compelling. Wow! Here's how to do it: Do not use a business plan package.

The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders. How to Motivate Employees. By David Austin on August 6, 2012 in Infographics What’s the secret to motivating employees? This infographic explains it. Hint: it isn’t just money! Motivating employees isn’t as simple as paying them more. People are complex and lots of different factors contribute to their overall level of job satisfaction, and what motivates people to do their best work. There is an optimal level of arousal that is key to motivating people. There is a material impact to having disengaged employees. OpenCorporates :: The Open Database Of The Corporate World. Email Marketing Blog for Small Business: How to Make the Best Use of An Email Signature. So many times email signatures are an afterthought and not really looked at as an opportunity to sell.

What I mean by “email signature” is the signature you put at the bottom of your person-to-person emails, not on your email marketing campaigns (although you can use signatures for that as well!) And I don’t only mean your own email signature, I mean the email signatures of all of your employees as well, especially if you’re sending out a lot of customer service related emails. First things first, you’ve got to make sure that there are standard pieces of information your employees include when they’re representing your business. Name, company name, address and phone number.Twitter and Facebook links and encourage people to follow you.Website and blog address. There are also some creative ways you can utilize the email signature portion of your emails that might not be “necessary” but could be fun to add as well as help increase your sales!

© 2010 – 2012, VR Marketing Blog. How to Run Your Business Online With $10 (and a Google Account) : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum. Top 10 Online Influencers - Fitness. Methodology: How is influence measured? Influencers included in “SharecareNow 10: Fitness” have demonstrated influence within fitness conversations online. Influence is calculated through a proprietary algorithm based on more than 40 individual metrics, including disease-area relevance and online syndication, presence and reach.

All metrics are based on content produced over the past year (from the list’s publish date) across multiple online channels, including Twitter, blogs, forums, mainstream news and video. About Sharecare Now, powered by WCG, is the healthcare industry's first and only digital platform offering real-time analytics on patient healthcare trends, conversations and influential authors. The service offers clients access to a suite of tools, research and social media analytics to identify the channels, conversations, authors, article sources, themes and terms most relevant to healthcare brands and organizations online and in real time. The state of the music industry. Howstuffworks "Business & Money" My Top Five Favorite Sources of Extra Income Online. How to become a millionaire. Set your sights on joining the Rich List?

Here are five tips to boost your chances. No lottery ticket required. 1. Consider the psychology of money in relation to your life Step back in time and take a look at your current financial success to date. Were you constantly told as a child that "money is the root of all evil" or "money doesn’t grow on trees? ". 2. Successful entrepreneurs think differently to their less financially savvy counterparts. 3. Firstly, write down experiences in your past that may have influenced your attitude towards money.

“My financial blueprint was set in the shadow of those around me who said that I would never become a successful football player," says 38-year old UK retired pro footballer, entrepreneur and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion, Corey Donoghue. 4. With your financial blueprint aligned, look at your personal and professional outgoings and make a commitment to better manage money – through different bank accounts that are fit for purpose. 5. Picture source. Rob Carrick | 7 Money Tricks Rich Guys Know : My dad taught me how to rig a mainsail, my college buddies taught me how to hold my Jim Beam, and my teachers taught me how to parse Chaucer. But somehow no one got around to helping me calculate compound interest or build a diversified portfolio. Arcane skills?

Perhaps, but learning them is the best way to avoid spending your retirement years nibbling on Alpo. Of course, people teach only what they know, and previous generations had less cause to study the finer points of finance, says Charles Farrell, a Denver-based investment advisor. Most men died within a few years of retirement; the rest squeaked by on pensions and Social Security. Today, employer pension plans are largely history and Social Security is endangered, leaving us to rely on our own savings during our waning years. Ensuring your financial survival will require learning to be your own CFO. Figuring Out Your Net Worth Would you start a diet without knowing your weight? Running Your Ratios Gauging Interest.