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Curaciòn de contenidos

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Apuntes sobre “curación de contenidos” Aggregate, Curate and Create Your Own Textbook. One of the latest buzz words in social media is curation.

Aggregate, Curate and Create Your Own Textbook

Some media analysts ponder whether the content curator might be the next big social media job of the future. The job of curator has spread across the digital media world and may already have replaced “editor” and “publisher” in the minds of marketers and social media mavens. What are the implications of curation in education? How will content curation impact the textbook market? Will it make textbooks irrelevant? We are seeing more and more publishers jumping into the digital textbook market but so far the digital editions are mere pdf versions of the hardcover versions.

The Journal’s article: 5K-12 Ed Tech Trends for 2012 includes going ‘Beyond the Digital Textbook’ as one of the trends, with the premise of adding interactivity to digital versions of textbooks. Several concerns about Apple’s new enterprise have been voiced in the blogosphere. Is there an option for a free, relevant course companion?

Strategies Tools Tools. Social Media Curation. I, curator? DOLORS REIG - CONTENT CURATORS, nueva profesión para el individuo conectado. Content Curation: Classroom Applications. I’ve been trying out some visual content curation tools with social features which has got me thinking about classroom applications.

Content Curation: Classroom Applications

“Content curation is the act of continually identifying, selecting and sharing the best and most relevant online content and other online resources (and by that I mean articles, blog posts, videos, photos, tools, tweets, or whatever) on a specific subject to match the needs of a specific audience.” – Ann Handley on TopRank blog There are available a variety of free tools in various formats that let you easily tag/save sites, articles, images, videos, presentations, etc. into a collection that you can share and have conversations about with other users. I’ve been spending some time at Pinterest, which is filled with inspiring images of recipes, crafts, clothes, housewares, quotes, etc. A Good Curator Curation is more than just aggregating content. Classroom Applications Examples! I like that it will find content for you based on your keywords. Curating social learning. El curador de contenidos educativos. En estos últimos tiempos están apareciendo en ámbitos educativos muchos docentes que están ejerciendo de “curadores de contenidos” (content curators).

El curador de contenidos educativos

Esa palabreja, muy cool en su inglés de origen y, mucho más chapucera en las versiones hispanas de sanador/curador de contenidos, tiene su origen en diferentes autores que consideran al curador de contenidos como: Una persona / empresa que se dedicase a escanear la red en busca del mejor contenido y lo agrupase, para luego compartirlo con el resto Pues bien, en base a ello y, para ir un poco más allá de esa simple definición y, ver el interés para la comunidad educativa de la existencia de ese tipo de personas, conviene leer la utilidad que les otorga Rohit Bhargava en su manifiesto, donde considera que el futuro de la web social (esa web a caballo entre la archiconocida 2.0 y, la semántica que nos viene 3.0) se va a basar en ese tipo de rol.

El de una persona que selecciona el mejor contenido de la red y lo comparte con todos.