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Real Academia Española. Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra - 22 de abril. «Madre Tierra» es una expresión común utilizada para referirse al planeta Tierra en diversos países y regiones, lo que demuestra la interdependencia existente entre los seres humanos, las demás especies vivas y el planeta que todos habitamos. La Tierra y sus ecosistemas son nuestro hogar. Para alcanzar un justo equilibrio entre las necesidades económicas, sociales y ambientales de las generaciones presentes y futuras, es necesario promover la armonía con la naturaleza y el planeta. Celebramos el Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra para recordar que el planeta y sus ecosistemas nos dan la vida y el sustento. Con este día, asumimos, además, la responsabilidad colectiva, como nos recordaba la Declaración de Río de 1992, de fomentar esta armonía con la naturaleza y la Madre Tierra.

Este día nos brinda también la oportunidad de concienciar a todos los habitantes del planeta acerca de los problemas que afectan a la Tierra y a las diferentes formas de vida que en él se desarrollan.


How Doctors Die « Zócalo Public Square. By Ken Murray| Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. This surgeon was one of the best in the country. He had even invented a new procedure for this exact cancer that could triple a patient’s five-year-survival odds–from 5 percent to 15 percent–albeit with a poor quality of life. Charlie was uninterested. He went home the next day, closed his practice, and never set foot in a hospital again. It’s not a frequent topic of discussion, but doctors die, too. Of course, doctors don’t want to die; they want to live. Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call “futile care” being performed on people. To administer medical care that makes people suffer is anguishing.

How has it come to this–that doctors administer so much care that they wouldn’t want for themselves? The above scenario is a common one. Should I have been more forceful at times? Noticias - El síndrome de los "padres exigentes" en la antigua Roma. 12 Ways to Mess Up Your Kids - Alice G. Walton - Life. Child psychologists, psychiatrists, and other experts tell us the dozen things you should avoid doing to help your child develop into a happy, confident, well-rounded little person Parenting is one of the most popular areas of self-help. For many, parenting books are purchased while the child is still in utero.

The last few decades have brought a lot of new discoveries about child development, child behavior, and the nature of the parent-child relationship, some of which have been extremely important. But the volume of information can be overwhelming. So we decided to focus on what parents shouldn't do. We asked some of the best-known experts in the field what they see as some of the prime ways parents can mess up their kids. We've all been there: It's time to leave the park and your kids just won't go. A child's feeling of attachment to his parents and caregivers is one of the most important things in a child's development, especially in the early years. The 'Busy' Trap.