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The Herringbone stitch. Stitch Pattern Library | Knitca™ Knit & purl. Cables. How to Cable Without a Cable Needle. November 7th, 2011 by Jess Now that you’ve learned to use a cable needle, what do you do if you want to start a cabled project and don’t have a cable needle on hand? Don’t fret; you can cross your stitches without using a separate needle! Here’s how to do it. Now, a few notes on this technique. Cabling without a cable needle works best on smaller cables. If you’re crossing more than 3×3, consider using a needle for stability. It’s also better to use a yarn with more of a grab (such as wool) than one that’s slippery (like alpaca) so that your stitches don’t ladder down. Knittingfool - Knitting Stitch Patterns - Sweater Pattern Generators.