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Cookie Dough/Peanut Butter Brownies

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies *If you are visiting this post for the first time, you may wish to visit my “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Take Two” post- a more recent post where I share (what I think is) a better version of these brownies! These are good too- but I took the comments suggested in this post and created a new recipe based on feedback. Okay, Cookie Dough Lovers. I gave you those Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles a few weeks ago, and now I’m giving you Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies!

The raw dough is egg-free, of course. Cookie dough is definitely my nemesis. I love the stuff. I first saw these in a bakery in Maine a few years back. I’d say I had some major success with this recipe. These are easiest to eat when placed in little cupcake wrappers. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies. Brownies are sort of like cheesecake, aren’t they? There’s nothing better than the perfect dense, fudgy brownie, just like not much can beat a classic piece of creamy cheesecake. Yet with both of these desserts we’re always fiddling around with different versions, swirling things in and layering things on the top and the bottom (incidentally, peanut butter goes well with both!).

It’s an endless merry go round of dessert experimentation, where there really can never be a bad result. Feel free to check out all of my brownie recipes and cheesecake recipes to see how many times I have spun around this little kitchen carousel. When I first saw these over on RecipeGirl I stopped in my tracks. You know how milk and cookies go well together? Back to the merry-go-round to do more kitchen experiments!

One year ago: Homemade Pop-TartsTwo years ago: Chunky Pecan Pie BarsThree years ago: Pasta Fagioli. Lookie at my Cookies: Peanut Butter Cup Brownies | NOSH AND TELL. April 1, 2009 • Ariel and Whitney Eat your heart out Reese’s, there’s a new peanut butter cup in town. I am convinced peanut butter and chocolate were made for each other, like Charlie and Claire on LOST–I’m only on Season 2 right now but someone please tell me they have gotten together. I find that a lot of my baked creations involve these two perfect ingredients because they are two of my favorite foods…they actually might be my MOST favorite foods.

Needless to say, the combination of flavors when peanut butter and chocolate meet is heavenly. My Peanut Butter Cup Brownies were adapted from a recipe found on Bake or Break, I opted to use milk chocolate chips instead of the peanut butter chips for a little different flavor. Peanut Butter Cup Brownies Makes 1 dozen brownies 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup butter, softened 1 tablespoon water 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips, plus about 1/3 cup more for garnishing 1 large egg* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Peanut Butter Cup Brownies | SugarHero! Can we talk? Specifically, can we talk about “brownie” recipes that call for things like black beans and applesauce and sugar substitutes, instead of gobs of chocolate and eggs and wonderful, wonderful, butter? Specifically-er, can we talk about how those things may be made by health-conscious, well-intentioned people, and some folks might enjoy them, and they may even get high praise like “I didn’t want to throw up after eating it,” but they will never, nay never, taste like an actual brownie?

Do what you want! Put beets in your pudding and kale in your cookies for all I care. Just please, don’t pretend that it tastes “just like the real thing” and look at me like I’m the crazy one when I beg to differ. Now that we’ve established what a brownie is not, let’s talk about what these brownies are. Question for you: Bean-based brownies: yea or nay? Peanut Butter Cup Brownies yield: 9×13 pan brownies Print This Recipe! Additional peanut butter cups, to decorate (optional) Fudgy chocolate chip cookie dough brownies | Sweet Anna's. Fudgy, chocolate-y mocha brownies, topped with an amazingly rich (egg-free) raw chocolate chip cookie dough and a beautiful chocolate glaze! Need I say more? I am excited to join this year’s Holiday Recipe Swap over at My Baking Addiction, because really… who doesn’t like sharing and discovering new favorite recipes, especially with the busy holiday-baking season approaching?!

I saw the idea for these brownies over on the brown eyed baker‘s blog, and I knew I had to try it! I used my Fudgy Dark Chocolate Brownies recipe (altered a bit because I didn’t have cocoa powder on hand, wanted to add some coffee… and I wanted a smaller batch) but I did use her cookie dough topping (doubled!)! These bars are yummy and impressive… Let them chill completely before cutting and serving for the best (prettiest!)

Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Directions:for the brownies:Preheat the oven to 350ºF. With foil and generously butter or spray the foil. In a large bowl in the fridge or freeze! Buckeye Brownies. Guys, I love buckeyes. There are very few things that can surpass their fabulousness. If you disagree, you should turn back now. Our taste-buds are simply not compatible and this friendship can go no further. Oh good. You're still here. When I was taking photos of these, Boots insisted upon being my assistant. Even if the props include himself... At all kinds of beautiful and flattering angles... He is also a top notch photographer himself, as you may recall. Of course, you probably think I'm the only one benefiting from this arrangement.

On one such occasion I declared to my young apprentice, "Boots, if you aren't good, Dad is going to have to help you instead, and that will NOT be fun. " At that very moment, Dad, who had been using the computer in the same room, suddenly walked up and left, not hearing my ferocious threat. Boots looked up from his scribbled up math worksheet, "Guess he went to get his mad eyebrows on. " Hardy har. But anywho, about the brownies.