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Facebook Twitter Teaching Without Worksheets | No More Worksheets | Preschool. The Disturbing Transformation of Kindergarten | TRUTH ABOUT EDUCATION. One of the most distressing characteristics of education reformers is that they are hyper-focused on how students perform, but they ignore how students learn. Nowhere is this misplaced emphasis more apparent, and more damaging, than in kindergarten.

A new University of Virginia study found that kindergarten changed in disturbing ways from 1999-2006. There was a marked decline in exposure to social studies, science, music, art and physical education and an increased emphasis on reading instruction. Teachers reported spending as much time on reading as all other subjects combined. The time spent in child-selected activity dropped by more than one-third. Direct instruction and testing increased. How can teachers hold all children to the same standards when they are not all the same? Is this drastic shift in kindergarten the result of a transformation in the way children learn?

For example, the average child cannot perceive an oblique line in a triangle until age 5 ½. Like this: 20 DAP Checklist Questions for Teachers. Q: What are some general guidelines we can follow as we think about DAP? A: There’s not one answer to the question - is something developmentally appropriate or not. It depends on the child’s personality, abilities, culture, and family, as well as the purpose of activities and the context of the class. Keeping in mind the five guidelines for effective teaching the following could be the starting point for a teacher checklist, to be adapted for specific programs and children: 1. Did I know everything I needed to know about each child today? Did I notice each child’s mood, apparent health, and general sense of well-being and engagement? 2. 3. 4. 5. ___ For physical development (fine motor and gross motor) ___ For social and emotional development ___ For approaches to learning, including enthusiasm, attention, persistence, and flexibility ___ For advances in knowledge content and mastery of concepts 6. 7. 8. ___ modeling problem solving ___ sharing my thought processes out loud 9. ___ small groups.

The Importance of Play.pdf. Using_Photographs. Crisis in the Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School - Crisis_in_Kindergarten.pdf. Teachers TV: Role Play - Setting Up and Planning. Teachers TV: Learning and Development. YCBuell. Drew.pmd - promoting_creativity1.pdf. CASTL_practioner_Part5_single.pdf. OurProudHeritage_Online0311. Zeal for Play May Have Propelled Human Evolution. The School Issue - Preschool - Can the Right Kinds of Play Teach Self-Control? P to L Quick Facts 6P_08_S4:P to L Quick Facts 6P_08_M9 - Playing_to_Learn.pdf. Op-Ed Contributor - Playing to Learn.