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Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings. Volume I: The New Atlantis Have you ever wondered why President Bush ordered American forces to invade Iraq and Afghanistan? In his Second Inaugural Address on January 20, 2005, President Bush said that he invaded these two countries because he was attempting to complete an Ancient Plan based on an "Ancient Hope", a Plan called the "New Order of the Ages". How old is this Plan? How far back in history does this Plan go?

You will be shocked to discover the answer. Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. To find the answer to these questions, we follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their ancient hope: to rebuild the lost empire of Atlantis. In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England.

Is it possible that Bacon’s vision guides America today? Purchase this film in High Quality here! Reviews.  Index. Welcome to AK Press. (Freethinkers) Globalise Resistance. Obama Orders ‘Arctic Death Camps’ Built To Hold American Traitors. Welcome to AK Press. ZeitNews.