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FREE ESL Topics, PRINTABLE PDF Downloads, Handouts & Lessons. Help your intermediate-level students to review and expand their existing vocabulary knowledge with ESL Topics Word Banks.

FREE ESL Topics, PRINTABLE PDF Downloads, Handouts & Lessons

ESL Topics Word Banks can be used alone to supplement to your existing course book lessons, or they can be used to introduce ESL Topics quizzes, crosswords and other activities. Easy to find, download, and use in class. Word Bank Features: • Topic based • 63 word items • Lead-in discussion question • Notes, Answer Keys and suggested Extension activity PDF Downloads There are 107 files, weighing 37.6 MiB with 231,908 hits in Word Banks.

Displaying 1 to 107 of 107 files. Word Banks ! Word Bank - Beach» 268.3 KiB - 2,298 hits - February 18, 2012Supplementary vocabulary building Word Bank - Beach - Easy» 362.4 KiB - 1,228 hits - January 22, 2013NEW Easy Version: 15-item Word Bank / Worksheet (with Answer Key) Word Bank - Canada» 242.0 KiB - 1,983 hits - March 7, 2011Supplementary vocabulary building. ELT resources and lesson plans. Itsy bitsy spider Finger Puppets. Boggle's World: ESL Worksheets for Kids. Picture Descriptions Describing and Captioning Pictures Spot the Differences Story Questions Riddles Anagram Riddles Rhyming Riddles Word Morphs Homophones Word Skills Word Skills Cloze Activities Grammar Focus Grammar Practice Worksheets Quizzes Animal Quiz Dinosaur Quiz Biggest and Fastest Quiz Opposites Quiz Rhymes Sheets Easy Rhymes Animal Rhymes Space Rhymes Begins With . . .

Boggle's World: ESL Worksheets for Kids

Begins with A-M Begins with N-Z Animals begins with Alliteration Animal Alliteration People Alliteration Functional English Giving Advice Games: Game Board One: Say 4 Things Word Scramble Worksheet: This section contains over 12 word scramble worksheets. Riddle Worksheets: This section contains riddles and ideas for how to use them in an ESL setting. Alphabet Connect the Dots: Several connect the dot worksheets inboth capitals and small letter. Theme Sheets Food Chain What Would You Do If . . . Expressions About Me Murphy's Law (conditionals) Crime and Punishment (conditionals) Park Warden (Passives) Aliens Aliens II Student Teacher Contract Spell Sheet. Free printable flashcards, matching worksheets, printable bingo cards, printable games, activities, handouts and more.

There are 100+ sets of that I used to design curriculums for children ages 3-9 and 6-10.

free printable flashcards, matching worksheets, printable bingo cards, printable games, activities, handouts and more

However, I use most of them up through to high school students and many with adults. See the left-hand menu for the current list of sets available. READ ME FIRST: These cards are excellent image quality and as such some of the files are quite large (1mb~4mb.) I suggest looking at the hand out first. If the material is something you'd like to put together, then take a look at the other files.

About the flash card sets: There are some multilingual handouts in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese for teachers of other foreign languages. The pictures were all put together with children in mind. The printable flash cards and game cards. ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets.

ESL-Kids - Flashcards, Worksheets, Games and Songs. KIZCLUB-Learning Resources for Kids. Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images!

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