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Art. Immersion. {R} End of PhD. Sociology: strangers in public spaces. Links. Urban mobility. Processing web android. Books to buy. The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing.

There's a bit more below, but I also wrote a follow-up 5 years after the illustrated guide which may be of interest -- HOWTO: Get tenure. Related posts If you like these posts, then I recommend the book A PhD Is Not Enough Get it in print; fund students; save lives By request, a print version of The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. is on sale. Click here to preview or buy it. Why biology? License: Creative Commons Resources. Join Us. Undergraduates We have openings for paid urops for MIT undergraduates, both during the academic year as well as during the summers. The list of current openings can be found on the UROP openings page. We encourage non-MIT undergrads to visit for the summer, but they will have to apply for their own funding. Women and minority undergrads may want to apply for funding to visit for a summer through Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) program.

Potential Graduate Students We have open slots for potential graduate students. Visiting Graduate Students and Postdocs We have openings for visiting graduate students and postdocs. Industry We are eager to collaborate with industry in our research. Структура научного текста | Научные тексты различных жанров строятся по единой логической схеме. У каждого научного произведения есть свой сюжет. Сюжет научного текста необычен: автор приобщает читателя к поиску истины. Композиция – это закономерное, мотивированное содержанием и замыслом расположения всех частей текста. Композиция типичного научного текста отражает последовательность фаз научного исследования: 1) осознание проблемы (вопроса, задачи) и постановка цели _ «введение»; 2) поиск способов решения проблемы, перебор возможных вариантов и выдвижение гипотезы, доказательство идеи (гипотезы) – «основная часть»; 3) решение исследовательской задачи, получение ответа – «заключение». Способ изложения, таким образом, является способом доказательства.

Научный текст, таким образом, имеет сложную организацию, в нем можно условно выделить два пласта с точки зрения того, какую информацию получает читатель: 1) фактическую, непосредственно об объекте исследования; ( метатекст – это текст в тексте ).


South chi paper. Sonification. JAISE. Productivity hints, tips, hacks and tricks for graduate students and professors. Contents Jump to: My philosophy: Optimize transaction costs Distilled into empirically-wrought principles, my high-level advice is: Reduce transaction costs to engaging in productive behavior.

Erect transaction costs to engaging in counter-productive behavior. Minimize opportunity cost. Do what you're best at doing, and partner with specialists when you need to do something else. In short, mold your life so that the path of least resistance is the path of maximum productivity. People are surprised when I tell them I'm lazy. I don't try to change the fact that I'm lazy: I exploit it. I try to make sure that the laziest thing I can do at any moment is what I should be doing.

Update: Managing willpower Years after I wrote the first version of this article, I discovered a book that provided a basis for my philosophy in sound psychological science, Willpower The book surveys the literature on the science of self control. Deliberating shaping the past of least resistance optimizes the use of willpower. 10 reasons Ph.D. students fail. Focus on grades or coursework No one cares about grades in grad school. There's a simple formula for the optimal GPA in grad school: Optimal GPA = Minimum Required GPA + ε Anything higher implies time that could have been spent on research was wasted on classes.

Advisors might even raise an eyebrow at a 4.0 During the first two years, students need to find an advisor, pick a research area, read a lot of papers and try small, exploratory research projects. Spending too much time on coursework distracts from these objectives. Learn too much Some students go to Ph.D. school because they want to learn. Let there be no mistake: Ph.D. school involves a lot of learning. But, it requires focused learning directed toward an eventual thesis. Taking (or sitting in on) non-required classes outside one's focus is almost always a waste of time, and it's always unnecessary. By the end of the third year, a typical Ph.D. student needs to have read about 50 to 150 papers to defend the novelty of a proposed thesis.

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