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Montesori rečenice koje treba da koristite i u vašoj kući. Treating a high temperature in children - Pregnancy and baby guide. In children under five, a fever is considered to be a temperature higher than 37.5C (99.5F).

Treating a high temperature in children - Pregnancy and baby guide

Fever is very common in young children. Over 60% of parents with children aged between six months and five years say their child has had one. Fever is usually caused by a minor viral infection, such as a cough or cold, and it can normally be treated at home. A high temperature can be quite worrying for parents and carers, but most children recover with no problems after a few days.

How to tell if your child has a fever Your child may have a fever if they: feel hotter than usual when you touch their forehead, back or stomach feel sweaty or clammy have flushed cheeks If you suspect your child has a fever, you should check their temperature with a thermometer. Forehead thermometers should not be used as they can give inaccurate results. When to call the doctor (for parents of toddlers) Toddlers are accident-prone little creatures and tend to get more than their fair share of minor ailments like coughs and colds, too.

When to call the doctor (for parents of toddlers)

But how do you decide if your toddler needs to see the doctor or whether a chat with your early childhood nurse will do? And under what circumstances should you call an ambulance? Read our guide to find out. When to see your doctor See your GP as soon as you can if your toddler: Gets a foreign body lodged in his nose, ear, mouth or (for girls) vagina - never try to remove objects yourself. When is it OK to call an ambulance? If your toddler is so ill that you think he needs immediate medical treatment (if, for example, he is having severe breathing difficulties) don't hesitate to call 000. Childhood rashes, skin conditions and infections: photos. Rubella (German measles) The first sign of rubella is flat, pinkish-red spots that first appear on your baby's face and neck, and then spread elsewhere on her body.

Childhood rashes, skin conditions and infections: photos

The spots may then merge to form evenly coloured patches. Napravite mini baštu u stanu. Ukoliko je vaš radni i životni prostor toliko mali da imate mesta za samo jednu saksiju ili žardinjeru, i to je dovoljno da napravite pravi kutak iz prirode u svom domu.

Napravite mini baštu u stanu

Pre svega izaberite posudu u kojoj želite da napravite svoj mali vrt i opredelite se za omiljene biljke. Zatim osmislite dizajn mini bašte i nabavite zemlju za sadnju, ukrasne kamenčiće i detalje kojima ćete ukrasiti svoje delo. U mini baštama najčešće se koriste razne trave, kaktusi, palme, zimzelene vrste, ukrasne biljke i začinsko bilje. S Consumer Guide to Seafood. Search APA Publications. Home » Publications » Search APA Publications Results 1–10 of 47 for "ClassificationFilt:"Parenting""X Topic.

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CkmKG5p.jpg (640×648) Funk is not dead. Six-year-old B-Girl Terra holds it down.

Funk is not dead.

I have been totally smitten (and slightly obsessed) with this sultry, groovy and soulful funk-rock extravaganza. (Slightly belated) Happy New Year from Tokyo! Song credit: Platoon by JUNGLE Like this: Kuvajmo s decom. Uradi Sama. Mači – minimalistička igračka za decu. Dete Plus - Valdorf pedagogija. Šta ne bi trebalo da govorimo detetu. Svi se trudimo da se na najbolji mogući način ophodimo prema svom detetu, da ne izgovaramo ružne reči pred njima, naglašavamo fraze kao što su – izvolite, hvala, dobar dan, doviđenja – kad smo u njihovom prisustvu.

Šta ne bi trebalo da govorimo detetu

Stay-at-Home Mom's Adorable Food Art Rockets Her to Fame. Four years ago, Malaysian mother Samantha Lee couldn't have expected that the adorable food art she was making for her two daughters would, one day, rocket her to fame.

Stay-at-Home Mom's Adorable Food Art Rockets Her to Fame

With over 312,000 Instagram followers, as well as articles on, Daily Mail and Huffington Post, she's become an inspiration to mothers all around the world that you can get creative without expensive gadgets or tools. In fact, Lee cuts up rice, bread, vegetables and fruits with ordinary around-the-house items like scissors and knives. How did her passion for food art all come about? "I started my very first Bento making in December 2008, when I was heavily pregnant with my second daughter," she states on her blog. "It was to let my elder daughter to eat independently after the arrival of her younger sister. Lee has no professional culinary training and is quite humble about her beginnings. “(I) didn't expect it to grow so much. Now, here are some of her best food art creations all inspired by pop culture. Noël Russe, chansons pour enfants sur Hugolescargot.

Emocionalna inteligencija - Kako je razviti kod deteta i zašto je važna? Zašto je emocionalna inteligencija tako važna u podizanju deteta?

Emocionalna inteligencija - Kako je razviti kod deteta i zašto je važna?

Kontrolisanje zabrinutosti prilikom izvođenja velikog projekta, kontrolisanje besa prilikom prolaska kroz bračni konflikt, kontrolisanje straha prilikom prijavljivanja za posao – uopšte sposobnost ljudskog bića da kontroliše svoje emocije na zdrav način odrediće kvalitet njegovog života mnogo više nego njegov IQ.

Psiholozi su ovu sposobnost počeli da nazivaju EQ, odnosno količnik emocionalne inteligencije. 50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child. Signing with your baby or toddler: How to communicate before your child can talk. How it works It's not surprising that babies can learn how to sign.

Signing with your baby or toddler: How to communicate before your child can talk

Both their understanding of language and their motor skills develop much faster than their ability to speak. And they love to mimic: Most babies, for example, discover how to wave and point long before they can say "bye bye" or "look at that! " The idea of taking this one step further and teaching babies a vocabulary of signs was inspired by child development expert Joseph Garcia.

Lachlan (10 months) signing "more" Having discovered how easily hearing babies of deaf parents learned sign language, he also noticed that these babies appeared less demanding than babies who didn't know sign language because they could express their thoughts and needs more easily. - bebe i deca, uz ljubav i zdravlje. Na svakoj maloj ili igrački od sitnih elemenata piše da ih ne treba davati maloj deci, jer postoji opasnost da ih stave u usta i uguše se.

I pored toga što nas takva upozorenja prate od kada se u našem životu pojavi beba, statistika pokazuje da deca i dalje stradaju od gušenja predmetima koje su slučajno stavili u usta. Gušenje stranim predmetom krivo je za gotovo trećinu svih smrti mališana mlađih od 14 godina. Što su deca mlađa, to je problem veći, s jedne strane zbog još neusklađenog sistema disanja i hranjenja, a s druge, zbog samog oblika jednjaka koji je još cilindričan i „pogodniji“ za opstrukciju.

Kada problem počne, postoje načini da se izbegne tragedija. Ali, treba znati i šta nikako ne treba činiti. HITNA POMOĆ BEOGRAD. Deca se mogu gušiti hranom ili stranim telom. Veća strana tela (delovi igračaka, bombone…) se obično zaglave na nivou grkljana. Kao pokušaj organizma da oslobodi disajne puteve javlja se intenzivan refleksni kašalj, dete otežano diše, zacrveni se u licu. Nursery Ideas. Putting the CURIOSITY back into the CURRICULUM. Mleko ili jogurt? Sunny the Cat Cartoon - Helen Doron Baby's Best Start. Sunny the Cat Cartoon - Helen Doron Baby's Best Start.