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Salep - piće koje se pije još samo u Sarajevu. Salep je napitak kojeg su istočnjaci doneli na Balkan tokom vladavine Osmanlija.

Salep - piće koje se pije još samo u Sarajevu

Reč je o gustom napitku koji se pravi od mlevene gomolje kaćuna (cvet sličan zumbulu) i pije se isključivo topao. Osušeni prah ove biljke doda se u toplu vodu ili mliko i služi sa cimetom ili đumbirom koji se na kraju pospe po napitku. Ovaj napitak jako slatkog ukusa služi se kada su niske temperature, kako bi se telo ugrejalo, a samo piće, zahvaljujući biljci od koje se pravi, ima i lekovita svojstva. Recept Za napitak se koristi koren salepa koji se dobro osuši, a onda sitno samelje u mlinu, sličnom onom za biber.

Sve do sredine dvadesetog veka ovaj napitak je bio jako popularan u Sarajevu. Često su rečima: "Vruć salep srce grije, blago onom ko popije", salbdžije na ulicama reklamirale ovaj napitak i tako privlačili kupce. Salep je još moguće popiti u pojedinim sarajevskim poslastičarnicama. Foto: Samir Cacan, (tekst i foto: Samir Cacan, 14 Make-Ahead Lunch Recipes That Aren't Salad. Red Velvet Truffles - CakeWhiz. If you love my moist red velvet cake, you are going to love these red velvet truffles, also known as red velvet cake balls or no bake cake balls or no bake cake truffles.

Red Velvet Truffles - CakeWhiz

Ten easy and effective culinary tips revealed by a master chef. Some of us find real pleasure in preparing varied and complicated dishes.

Ten easy and effective culinary tips revealed by a master chef

Others consider cooking an unavoidable everyday routine. The Bright Side team feels certain that any person can become a true culinary virtuoso in his or her kitchen — especially with the help of this collection of useful tips! 1. BAJADERA: Najfiniji recept bez miksera i pećnice gotov za 20 minuta. Ovu ukusnu čokoladnu čaroliju vole baš svi, a uz ovaj recept zavoljet ćete je još više.

BAJADERA: Najfiniji recept bez miksera i pećnice gotov za 20 minuta

Donosimo vam najukusniju bajaderu za koju vam ne treba ni pećnica niti mikser te za koju ćete morati izdvojiti svega 20 minuta. Chocolate Muffins Recipe. Bulgur Recipes. Karamel pita s jabukama - recept. Brze kocke sa malinama. 44 Classic French Meals You Need To Try Before You Die. Zapeceni patlidzani sa sirom. S Consumer Guide to Seafood. Healthy herbs and super spices. Who hasn’t heard about “super foods,” like watercress, blueberries and spring onions.

Healthy herbs and super spices

But what we didn’t know until recently is that there are also “super” herbs and spices. Here are some which will not only make your babies food taste even nicer, but could also boost/support their immune system, or provide some relief from ailments (NOTE: These are not cures and all medical issues need to be discussed with qualified health professionals). You can start adding many herbs and spices to your babies food from 6 months but as with food, it’s good to introduce them slowly, and one at time, to ensure no reaction. Some strong spices may be a bit much for your baby before they are 9 to 12 months.

Herbs Basil This has been used for years as a calming aid for indigestion. Dill. Waldorfski puding. Labneh. Baked Cauliflower with Yogurt Sauce. Baked Cauliflower with Yogurt Sauce make a great side dish.

Baked Cauliflower with Yogurt Sauce

Instead of the classic heavy cheese sauce, I use Greek Yogurt, Dijon Mustard, Fresh Parmesan and Breadcrumbs for a lighter version of the dish. Sour Cream-Honey Fruit Salad recipe from Betty Crocker. Kinoa, žitarica za kojom je poludeo svet. Pre nekoliko godina kinoa se kod nas mogla kupiti samo u bolje opremljenim prodavnicama zdrave hrane.

Kinoa, žitarica za kojom je poludeo svet

Sada je pronalazimo u skoro svakom većem supermarketu i prodavnici zdrave hrane. Kinoa ima savršeni odnos devet esencijalnih aminokiselina koje su neophodne za ljudsku prehranu.Taj odnos se retko sreće kod biljaka i karakterističan je za meso. Pored toga, kinoa sadrži i dobru dozu vlakana i gvožđa. ½ šolje kinoe sadrži samo 111 kalorija a ta količina je i više nego dovoljna za jednu osobu kao ručak. Pre pripreme kinoe, važno je da se zrna isperu jer sadrše saponin, gorku supstancu koja ih štite od raznih štetočina. Recepti - Deserti - Tart s borovnicama i krem-sirom. Sočne borovnice se savršeno dopunju s kremastim filom.

Recepti - Deserti - Tart s borovnicama i krem-sirom

MEDEKO. Butternut Squash Pasta Recipe. Creamy Butternut Squash Pasta.

Butternut Squash Pasta Recipe

This Rawsome Vegan Life. Celeriac Mash. Celeriac, you know that weird looking root that you may have eyed at the store... it makes an awesome mash.

Celeriac Mash

This dish is for the whole family to enjoy and it's a nice change from regular mashed potatoes, although it's not like anyone could ever have too much mashed potatoes. Celery Root Soup. I have to say that celery root (also known as celeriac) really is the ugly ducking of vegetables. For years I would pass it at the market, not thinking it looked at all appetizing and not really knowing what to do with it. Sometimes when ingredients look like a ton of work, I shy away.

What was I thinking? Seitan - What is seitan? - Definition of Seitan - How to Make Seitan. Zdravlje - Alternativa - 50 čenova luka protiv prehlade? Izvor: B92, Daily Mail Beli luk će držati vampire podalje od vas a vrlo verovatno i vaše voljene. Međutim, da li supa od 50 čenova belog luka može da vas zaštiti od prehlade, gripa i norovirusa?

Beli luk je dobio reputaciju razbijača virusa zahvaljujući sumpornom jedinjenju alicinu koji se u njemu nalazi a između ostalog efektno deluje protiv virusa koji prouzrokuje herpes. Alicin je takođe poznat po antibakterijskom i antigljivičnom dejstvu. Zbog svega navedenog, smatra se da konzumiranjem belog luka vi podižete imuni sistem. Međutim, još uvek nije naučno dokazano da beli luk jača imuni sistem. Problem je u farmaceutskim kompanijama koje nisu zainteresovane za sprovođenje skupih i obimnih studija zato što beli luk niko ne može da patentira, spakuje i od njega profitira.

Bez obzira na sve, beli luk ima dugu i ponosnu tradiciju kao lek. Ideja za ručak koja je osvojila hiljade zaposlenih. Unstuffed Vegetarian Peppers. This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine. The Protein Powerhouse. Zoo sandwiches. ~ Zoo on my plate -1 ~ With the arrival of intolerable summers I'm sure none of us want to spend long hours in the kitchen. I always think summer time food ,besides being light n healthy should also be quick n easy .

How to Make Ciabatta Bread from scratch - No Bread Machine Required! How to Make Bread from Scratch- NO BREADMAKER NEEDED. Lička pogača — Recepti. Indeks recepata. Medena pita. Medeno srce. Banini. Grah — Namirnice. Opis i podrijetlo Grah je jednogodišnja biljka iz porodice mahunarki, velike hranjive vrijednosti. Najpoznatija je i najrasprostranjenija mahunarka u cijelom svijetu i kao povrtlarska kultura ubraja se u grupu zrnatih mahunarki. Neutralan okus graha omogućuje niz kombinacija s različitim namirnicama i začinima, a dostupnost tijekom cijele godine njegovu široku primjenu pri kuhanju. U povijesti ljudske prehrane grah, grašak, leću i druge mahunarke nalazimo vrlo rano u upotrebi. Grah je svakako najpoznatija mahunarka, donesen iz Amerike u Europu u 16. stoljeću zajedno s krumpirom i kukuruzom. Energetska i nutritivna vrijednost. Ginger Preserves - Apple Ginger Jam Recipe. Apple ginger jam recipe ingredients: 10.5 oz. (300 g) fresh ginger roots2.2 lb (1 kg) apples2.2 cups (0.5 l ) water2.2 lb (1 kg) sugar1 teaspoon ginger powder Cooking calculator.

Recept: Krompir na bečki način - Recept: Cheese cake (2) - Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta Recipe - - 43023. Simply Potatoes: Cheesy Potatoes Recipe. Chickpea And Tomato Soup Recipe - - 225162. Tuscan Chickpea Soup Recipe. Chick peas are worth the time. Chick peas, garbanzo beans, channa, ceci beans: whatever you call them, I am obsessed with these beautiful little legumes. How to cook chickpeas to use in chickpea recipes such as fried chickpeas. easy instructions. garbanzo beans. Cooking chickpeas in pressure cooker or on stove top You will find easy instructions for How to cook chickpeas below. White Chickpeas are also known as chana, kabuli chana, garbanzo beans. They are also available in brown and green varieties. Recept: Čorba od leblebija - Recept: Salata od leblebije -

Gazpacho Recipe. Recipes. Quick Lemon- Broccoli Rice Recipe. Lemon Shrimp with Rice. Spanish seafood rice recipe. Red Rice Recipe - Savannah-Style Red Rice. Broccoli Rice And Cheese Casserole. 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 10oz pkgs of frozen broccoli, cooked and drained 1 stick of butter 2 can cream of chicken soup 6 cups of wild rice 1 clove of garlic 3 cups of shredded cheese, your favorite Preheat oven to 350°F. In a skillet melt the stick of butter. Sauté onion and garlic, until onions are tender. Set aside to cool. Steam the frozen broccoli until thawed, then drain well.

Cook wild rice according to directions. Red Rice and Broccoli Salad with Lemon Dressing and Tamari Walnuts. Adapted from Marie Simmons' cookbook, "The Amazing World of Rice" 1 teaspoon olive or other vegetable oil 1/2 cup walnut halves 2 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce 1 bunch broccoli, with tough stems trimmed, stems sliced into 1/4-inch-thick rounds, and flower separated into 1-inch clusters 3 scallions, trimmed and cut diagonally into thin slices (about 1/2 cup) Lemon Dressing: 1/4 cup olive or other vegetable oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon tamari or soy sauce 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1 small clove garlic, crushed Cook the rice according to package directions.

Let stand, uncovered, until cooled. Peach Jam Recipe : Biscuit “salami” (Rum and chocolate biscuit roll. This is a very common dessert in Romania and it has many variations throughout the country. You can basically enrich the recipe by adding Turkish delight, raisins, nuts, almonds, coconut flakes, whatever you feel might work well with the rum-chocolate biscuit base of the dessert. The recipe presented here is pretty basic and it’s really easy to make. This is what you need for approximately 5 rolls (each roll would be 3cm/1.2 inches in diameter and 30cm/12 inches long)- of course, you can make them any size you want: - 800g/1.8 lbs normal (sweet) biscuits - 350ml/10 oz. milk (preferably not skimmed milk, but use 3.5% milk) Chocolate fridge cake with pecan and meringues. Krem supa od sargarepe i korijandera. Krem supe obicno pripremam sa dodatkom tecne pavlake.

Nabujak s blitvom i gljivama. Juha od ječma. Chocolate Bundt Cake Soaked with Coffee Syrup. Baking Cakes Galore.