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Helping find the Linux apps you need. Image Magick v6 - Examples. What is ImageMagick?

Image Magick v6 - Examples

A No-Holds-Barred Summary ImageMagick is designed for batch processing of images. That is, it allow you to combine image processing operations in a script (shell, DOS, Perl, PHP, etc.) so the operations can be applied to many images, or as a sub-system of some other tool, such as a Web application, video processing tool, panorama generator, etc. It is not a GUI image editor. Browser. Blender. SynchroEdit. Software Engineering Radio. FlickrUploadr - Linux. aTunes. Zinf. SMPlayer - General Info. Your dashboard on Wakoopa. Hourglass.

Business Intelligence

FileZilla - The free FTP solution. Editeur. Compiler. Freebox. Clonezilla. Home - Syncany - Open-source file synchronization and filesharing application. Unison File Synchronizer. Unison is a file-synchronization tool for OSX, Unix, and Windows.

Unison File Synchronizer

It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unison shares a number of features with tools such as configuration management packages (CVS, PRCS, Subversion, BitKeeper, etc.), distributed filesystems (Coda, etc.), uni-directional mirroring utilities (rsync, etc.), and other synchronizers (Intellisync, Reconcile, etc). However, there are several points where it differs: Unison runs on both Windows and many flavors of Unix (Solaris, Linux, OS X, etc.) systems. Moreover, Unison works across platforms, allowing you to synchronize a Windows laptop with a Unix server, for example.

MS Windows