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A re-introduction to JavaScript - MDC. Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await. JavaScript is now used by an incredible number of high-profile applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web or mobile developer. It's useful to start with an overview of the language's history. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. JavaScript was first released with Netscape 2 early in 1996. It was originally going to be called LiveScript, but it was renamed in an ill-fated marketing decision that attempted to capitalize on the popularity of Sun Microsystem's Java language — despite the two having very little in common.

Several months later, Microsoft released JScript with Internet Explorer 3. Overview And there are some built-in Error types as well. Numbers. Core JavaScript Reference 1.5: Core JavaScript Reference. JAvascript. JavaScript - MDC. JavaScript Date Format. Saturday, June 9th, 2007 • Related • Filed Under Update: The documentation below has been updated for the new Date Format 1.2. Get it now! Although JavaScript provides a bunch of methods for getting and setting parts of a date object, it lacks a simple way to format dates and times according to a user-specified mask. There are a few scripts out there which provide this functionality, but I've never seen one that worked well for me… Most are needlessly bulky or slow, tie in unrelated functionality, use complicated mask syntaxes that more or less require you to read the documentation every time you want to use them, or don't account for special cases like escaping mask characters within the generated string.

When choosing which special mask characters to use for my JavaScript date formatter, I looked at PHP's date function and ColdFusion's discrete dateFormat and timeFormat functions. With my date formatter, I've tried to take the best features from both, and add some sugar of my own. | :: ~; ~ :: JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality Tool. L'éditeur JavaScript - AJAX. Page last changed today.

Tout JavaScript. La référence javascript Tout vous propose sur cette interface ergonomique et conviviale, plus de 230 fiches détaillant précisément les objets javascript , leurs propriétés et leurs méthodes. . , les fonctions natives et les mots de structures sont regroupés dans le répertoire Mots_clefs. Naviguez simplement dans l'arborescence des objets dans le menu de gauche. Quand vous lancez une fiche, l'arborescence du menu s'ouvre à la position de l'objet sélectionné. Cette référence javascript, développée et écrite pour Tout, est en constante évolution. Erreur ?] Accès rapide : window, document, Array, RegExp, Math, Image, navigator...