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Thinlet. An Introduction to Tkinter. DOCASU – Trac. DoCASU White paper released ¶ Want to learn more about DoCASU? You can download this free whitepaper developed to accompany the recently published Alfresco Developer Guide. Specifically, you will walk through how we designed and built the DoCASU user interface, some of the major architectural and design drivers, the main parts of the DoCASU codebase and finally how to download and install the application on top of your own Alfresco repository. White Paper, October 2008, by Olivier Pépin and Jeff Potts. Alfresco Developer Guide Bonus Chapter - Building an Alfresco Custom User Interface - DoCASU then click on "Download PDF". DoCASU Framework fully refactored ¶ DoCASU has been fully refactored to make it more configurable and more extensible, introducing perspectives and plugins...

Overview ¶ DoCASU is a custom User Interface (UI) for the Open Source Enterprise Content Management system Alfresco. Motivation ¶ The current Alfresco UI has been designed to expose most of the potential of Alfresco. XUI RIA Framework. JKL.ParseXML - parse remote XML file into JavaScript object (JSON) JKL.ParseXML is a JavaScript library that let you convert an XML into a JavaScript object (JSON). DOM manipulation is not needed any more for you to write Ajax powered dynamic web applications.

The first version of this was shipped at May 18th, 2005. For the several years, this has been used on many websites in Japan and other countries in the World. See also SoftXML's nice article about JavaScript libraries including the JKL.ParseXML, thanks. This is free under the BSD license. Try also my another JS library of XML.ObjTree. Stable: jkl-parsexml-0.22.tar.gzTAR.GZjkl-parsexml-0.22.zipZIP (2007/01/04) Trunk: <? Click [DEMO] button to execute. Sync-mode GET method Simple usage. Var url = "zip-e.xml"; var xml = new JKL.ParseXML( url ); var data = xml.parse(); alert( "us_state: "+data.items.item.us_state ); Sync-mode POST method Specify the query string at second arguments of constructor.

. * Japanese zip code database is used in this demo. <? Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) Thinlet &amp; SwiXML - Articles - 1/9. CookXml: A General Purpose XML Interpreter for Java.