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Irina's Lifestyle. Fashion Trends & Styles. Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and. Meditation | The Other Side of Everything. I meditate every day. Consequently I find an increase in clarity and a lessening of stress. Six days a week, I follow the simple and effective meditation called ‘the mindfulness of breathing’, which takes about twenty to thirty minutes. You don’t need to follow a religion, chant a mantra, believe in God, or disbelieve in God to meditate.

We’re told that mindfulness was the meditation which Buddha was doing when he became enlightened, but meditation is a secular practise. Mindfulness is very simple to do and requires no special training or preparation, other than a lack of interruption and a quiet room where you can physically and mentally relax. Here is how it works: Allow at least 20 to 30 minutes for a meditation sitting. That’s it; essentially, mindfulness is no more complicated than that. Here are some tips to help get the most out of the practise. Take some time to find yourself the right place. Let your eyelids fall almost closed, but keep some light coming in. Deal with interruptions. Best Conference Tips.

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