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Politics/Foreign Policy

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Your Most Obedient and Humble Servant. Alexander Hamilton: You fire the killing thing into the air - shooting the bullet without giving it the power to do its killing. It's a metaphor. This is a great point to make. I’m not very historically versed but it seems to me that looking on things through a the narrow lens of winner’s losers is hugely detrimental. In general a major way people look at things is by the lesser evil. It’s so easy to claim that things could have been better with 20/20 hindsight. Even through a biased and relatively new lens. Given what ended up happening because of the Republicans’ election (the rise of Southern power, the spread of slavery into the west, the genocide of the Native Americans, Andrew Jackson eventually being elected), I fail to see how things could have possibly been any worse had the Federalists won the Election of 1800 (which the Republicans stole from them anyway, since Jefferson and Burr would not have won without the three-fifths clause).

Harry at this date was eleven years old. ابو عماد. Ollygafsen | The ramblings of an ex-Stalinist in recovery. Informed Comment: Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion. Daniel W. Drezner | FOREIGN POLICY. Positive Liberty | Current Political Events.