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Imágenes y relatos de un viaje por Colombia. “Impresiones de un viaje a América” reúne las memorias del escritor español José María Gutiérrez de Alba, residente en Colombia entre 1870 y 1884. El manuscrito, que hoy conserva la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, está compuesto por diez grandes volúmenes con un promedio de 400 páginas por tomo, ilustrados con 466 acuarelas, dibujos, fotografías y litografías. El texto es la memoria de viaje por Colombia en el siglo XIX más extensa que se conoce, y sus ilustraciones constituyen la colección pintoresca más voluminosa que hoy tenemos. Con una prosa fácil y límpida, Gutiérrez describe la inmensa variedad de formas de vida, costumbres, atuendos, oficios, monumentos y paisajes notables de los actuales territorios de Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander, Norte de Santander, Tolima, Huila Caquetá y la costa Caribe, en la época radical y federalista.

Esta edición digital ofrece múltiples caminos para la lectura y exploración de una obra de inmensa riqueza literaria y visual. Internet Search Tips and Strategies. . :VirtualSalt Robert Harris Version Date: July 6, 2000 Overview The Internet has an enormous quantity of information, with thousands of newsgroups and billions of web pages. The two questions that face any information seeker are, (1) How can I find what I want? And (2) How can I know that what I find is any good? This article treats the first question. Let me say just a brief word or two on each of these items (and then I will go into detail later). Categories of Information on the Web Before you begin searching, you first need a little understanding about how information is stored and accessed on the Web. Search Tool Types Search tools fall into three main categories. Quick Guide to Choosing a Starting Place Here are some suggestions about where to start a search.

Quick TipFor many questions, you can find excellent information by going to Google and typing in four to six words related to your subject. Word Searches With Search Engines FOREST LOG. Keyword Search. Phrase Search. Search Tips 1. How to Properly Research Online (and Not Embarrass Yourself with the Results) Warning: if you are going to argue a point about politics, medicine, animal care, or gun control, then you better take the time to make your argument legit. Spending 10 seconds with Google and copy-pasting wikipedia links doesn't cut it.

The standard for an intelligent argument is Legitimate research is called RE-search for a reason: patient repetition and careful filtering is what will win the day. There are over 86 billion web pages published, and most of those pages are not worth quoting. To successfully sift it all, you must use consistent and reliable filtering methods. You will need patience to see the full breadth of writing on any single topic. And you will need your critical thinking skills to disbelieve anything until it is intelligently validated. If you are a student, or if you are seeking serious medical, professional, or historical information, definitely heed these 8 suggested steps to researching online: African Studies Gateway. Le site de la communauté noire francophone.