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RIUAEMex: Página de inicio. Early English Books Online. About EEBO-TCP Demo EEBO-TCP comments to:EEBO Help. Ecclesiastical and Secular Sources for Slave Societies | Vanderbilt University. The ESSSS project, directed by Jane Landers and administered at Vanderbilt University, digitally preserves endangered ecclesiastical and secular documents related to Africans and Afro-descended peoples in the Americas. Other non-European groups, such as Chinese and indigenous groups are also represented. This website provides information about the project and its history and tools that allow researchers to search the ESSSS database containing nearly 300,000 documents from diverse archives in four countries. While most of the documents contained here belong to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there are also Cuban and Spanish Florida documents from the sixteenth century and Brazilian documents from the seventeenth. On this website you will find areas dedicated to each geographic entity -- Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Spanish Florida -- and additional resources to assist in your research.

Partners The Museum of Online Museums (MoOM) Exceptional exhibits are highlighted each quarter. Selections from previous seasons are archived here. Please consider joining our MoOM Board of Directors won't you? You'll receive some nice swag and can lord it over your less civic-minded friends. While even the most daring critic would find it difficult to describe computer viruses as "art," there's a certain bizarre artistry mixed among the prankster-ism and the outright cruelty of their creators. Back in the day my brand was the TDK SA 90, although the Maxell XLII would do in a pinch. Between 1979 and 2010 Sony sold 400 million Walkmen and the compact design and engineering of these mechanically complicated and ingenious devices still feels relevant. Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum has embraced the web like no other major arts institution. 150,000 works are beautifully scanned and available for "patrons" to search, download, remix, and pretty much do with whatever they like.

Geografia Acadêmica: Milton Santos. BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL. Posted on | September 28, 2012 | No Comments Los Mass Media Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Colecciones de Historia 16:Serie de 300 Cuadernos de Historia 16 (1985) Serie de 100 Cuadernos de Historia 16 (1995)Serie de Cuadernos del Mundo Actual de Historia 16 Posted on | September 27, 2012 | No Comments La China de Mao Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 27, 2012 | No Comments La Iglesia del Vaticano II Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 26, 2012 | No Comments Gandhi Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 26, 2012 | No Comments El feminismo Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 26, 2012 | No Comments El deporte de masas Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 25, 2012 | No Comments La Cuba de Castro Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas) Posted on | September 25, 2012 | No Comments El Ulster Cuadernos del Mundo Actual(pdf, 32 páginas)

Bienvenidos a MOxLAD. Welcome · Digital Public Library of America. Enciclopedia Y Biblioteca Virtual De Las Ciencias Sociales, Económicas Y Jurídicas. BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL. ICDL (Biblioteca Digital Internacional para Niños) El Libro Total - La Biblioteca digital de América. Inicio | Fotografías Antiguas y Contemporáneas de Medellín. Home - e-spacio.

LIFE photo archive hosted by Google. Ciudades para un Futuro más Sostenible. Domínio Público - Pesquisa Básica. Research Portal ™ The Getty Research Portal™ is a free online search platform providing worldwide access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts from a range of institutions.

This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields. The Getty Research Portal is a collaborative project initiated by the Getty Research Institute in 2012. Founded with a group of international contributors, including the Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library at Columbia University, the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Málaga, the Frick Art Reference Library, the Heidelberg University Library, the Institut national d'histoire de l'art, members of the New York Art Resources Consortium, and the Thomas J.

Freebook Sifter - A Resource for Free eBooks. Open Access Countries and Organisations - South America. Bases de datos en texto completo « Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani" Bienvenidos a BDCOL. Recopilación de enlaces sobre bibliotecas y TICs. Hoy voy a hacer un pequeño resumen de algunos de los espacios dedicados a bibliotecas, lectura y TICs en enseñanza. Se trata de poner al alcance del mayor número posible de compañeros estos espacios que creo son una referencia y un lugar en el que encontrar gran cantidad de materiales útiles para nuestra práctica docente diaria y para la gestión de bibliotecas.

Para acceder a ellos basta con pinchar sobre los enlaces o sobre las imágenes que aparecen. - “El laboratorio de la lectura” creado por la fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, un verdadero referente en todo lo relativo a la lectura y a las bibliotecas: - Bibliotecas escolares argentinas. Para mí es la referencia fundamental en la que encontrar prácticamente toda la información que aparece en la red sobre bibliotecas escolares y sobre recursos TIC. Sus entradas las genera mediante - Biblioabrazo.

. - Biblio t educa. . - Biblioeteca: de todo un poco referido a la lectura. . - Bienvenidos a la fiesta. . - Dinamiza la lectura. Me gusta: Biblioteca Digital del Pensamiento Novohispano. Bibliotecas virtuales y recursos digitales Red de Bibliotecas. UANL :: Colección Digital. Los incunables. La imprenta en su cuna - Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación Edelberto Torres-Rivas - FLACSO - Guatemala / Powered by GLIFOS 7.0. /dspace/ Biblioteca Nacional. RABiD - Red Abierta de bibliotecas Digitales. World Digital Library. Bibliotecas Virtuales.

EUROPEANA. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. .:: Bienvenidos a la pgina del PROIMMSE-IIA-UNAM ::.