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How to keep footers at the bottom of the page (CSS demo)


CSS. Real-time RSS feeds - RSS to email - Feed My Inbox. Online PHP Editor - ShiftEdit - Web Based IDE | ShiftCreate. PHP tutorial: Create images. In this tutorial we will show how to create images with PHP. Requeriments: GD library must be installed in the server (probably it is installed). Procedure: We will show small pieces of code, and the resulting figures. The code will be explained line by line. New lines will be added to the code so that the complexity of the image increases. Create new imagesCode 1: create a 200x200 squareCode 2: draw linesCode 3: draw rectanglesCode 4: draw ellipsesCode 5: draw arcsCode 6: add text to the imageManipulate imagesCode 7: rotate imagesCode 8: resize imagesCode 9: get a portion of the imageCode 10: modify an existing imageImages on the flyCode 11: create and show images on the fly Lanes 1 and 11: opening and closing tags for phpLane 2: request to execute function create_image(), which is located in lines 5 to 10.

Lanes 9 and 10: new colors are added to the image (as explained earlier for line 7).Lane 11: horizontal line is draw.Lane 12: diagonal line is draw. CSS form w/ all goodies. Licensing I've gotten alot of email asking about using this work in various projects and sites. These requests often need me to license my work using one of the myriad of open source licenses. Unfortunately, for the people requesting, I don't like any of these licenses as pretty much all of them require me to allow redistribution, which I'm not ok with. So, to quell any further requests in that vein, let me just say that anybody looking to use my work should check my copyright as everything is clearly laid out in there. In essence, if you want to hire me to implement this work in a project or site or it'll be for a non-commercial project that won't be redistributed, then we can probably work something out.

Backend For those that automatically assume I'm using PHP, sorry to burst your bubble. Most of the CSS-only, table-less forms available suck. The problems with Mac/IE5.2 probably aren't worth fixing. Update Expression Evaluations: Advanced email in PHP. This article was written in 2002 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about email and webmail, you may find this recent article on Email as a Service of great interest.

I wish I could remember the very first email message I ever sent. Unfortunately, the truth is that I’ve come to take email for granted; for instance, I easily send more email messages than I make phone calls. Because the novelty has long since worn off, the memory of that first email is as lost to me as my first phone call; but I doubt my sense of wonder was any less complete at the time. To someone who has never seen email in action before, that first message can be magical. In this article, I’ll try to recapture some of that magic for those of you who have never created a Web site that sends email messages. We’ll see how the PHP server-side scripting language may be set up to send email, and explore how to send complex message types such as HTML email or emails with file attachments. <? Dominic Sayers - RFC-compliant email address validator. This is an email address validation service powered by the free PHP function is_email() created by Dominic Sayers.

There's only one real answer to this: a valid email address is one that you can send emails to. There are acknowledged standards for what constitutes a valid email address. These are defined in the Request For Comments documents (RFCs) written by the lords of the internet. These documents are not rules but simply statements of what some people feel is appropriate behaviour. Consequently, the people who make email software have often ignored the RFCs and done their own thing. Thus it is perfectly possible for you to have been issued an email address by your internet service provider (ISP) that flouts the RFC conventions and is in that sense invalid. But if your address works then why does it matter if it's invalid? That brings us onto the most important principle in distributed software. The Robustness Principle A very great man, now sadly dead, once said Getting it right But.

Web Tutorials. PHP Tutorial (frameset) JavaScript/DHTML Tutorial (frameset) Radio buttons. XHTML/CSS Tutorial (frameset)


Css menu. URL Rewrite. Google maps. Sessions. AJAX chat. Tigzag PHP MySQL JS Tutorials. - - - W e b d e s i g n s k o l a n - - - 20 Popular PHP Scripts. Steal this pop up video script. Captcha. CMS.