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Ethics and Philosophy

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A dangerous future of killer robots. UGC FROM ARTICLE: {allow_comments=true, allow_photos=false, allow_videos=false, comments_period=14,, default_sort=, default_tab=, display_comments=true, is_ugc_gallery=false, max_items_to_display=15, max_items_to_display_top=3, moderation_required=false, stream_id=}!!! Necesitamos robots felices: Marcela Riccillo at TEDxBarcelona. Noel Sharkey | ICRAC. Toy Soldiers to Killer Robots: Prof Noel Sharkey at TEDxSheffield 2013. Would You Do as a Robot Commands? Social Robots, Positions, Recommendations, Publication - The Danish Council of Ethics.

The Council's Opinion about social robots from January, 2010, focuses on the boundaries between man and machine Social robots is a term used about the type of intelligent robots that are used in everyday situations where people also play a role. Social robots have made their entrance especially in the care sector, at home, in the entertainment business, and in the military. An example of a social robot is the stuffed toy seal, Paro, which was introduced in several Danish nursing homes back in 2007. Paro is an intelligent pet. It has been shown to have a therapeutic and soothing effect on people suffering from dementia. There are other examples of "help robots" in use around the world such as ones developed to help disabled people.

The ethical considerations by introducing social robots in the welfare system in Denmark can be divided into three categories of questions: