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Études de public. Crowsourcing. Un « bus des curiosités » offre une programmation artistique innovante. Untitled. Intergénérationnel. Personne âgées. Best practice resources - Jodi Mattes Trust. JISC: Graphical User Interface Design: Developing Usable and Accessible Collections Takes a general view of facilitating effective access to a digital resource and then examines more closely the issues of usability and then accessibility.

Best practice resources - Jodi Mattes Trust

It is intended to be of use to collection managers wishing to grant access to a digital resource. Museums and the “digital curb cut” article Creating Accessible, Rich-Media Learning Experiences Online Article from ‘The Guardian’: Digital archives: making museum collections available to everyone.

Actions inter établissement

Ressources/etudes. Projet participatif. Famille. Champs social. Ado.