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Accelerated learning methods

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Articles - Why Mind Mapping Works. Radiant Thinking So why do Mind Maps work?

Articles - Why Mind Mapping Works

Can’t I just stick to my lists and my conventional tried and tested techniques? In a Mind Map, information is structured in a way that mirrors exactly how the brain functions – in a radiant rather than linear manner. The Mozart Effect: How Music Makes You Smarter. Have you ever noticed how your favorite music can make you feel better?

The Mozart Effect: How Music Makes You Smarter

Well, new research studies now show how music can make you smarter too! Scientists at Stanford University, in California, have recently revealed a molecular basis for the Mozart Effect, but not other music. Dr. The Science of earworms. A large part of learning in general and language learning in particular is to do with the memorisation of words, facts and other significant information.

The Science of earworms

It's a well known fact that we use only a fraction of our brain power and traditional book learning is now recognised as not suiting every learner. earworms MBT® uses simple techniques which open up and exploit more of the brain's native power, and come under the heading of ‘accelerated learning'. In the 1970s, extensive research was carried out into the powers of music in the learning process, by the Bulgarian physician Georgi Lozanov. The 6 Step Master Plan to Accelerated Learning - part of the Accelerated Learning Series.