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Ratchet. Building Automated Analytics Logging for iOS Apps | Heap Blog. Analytics is often the first tool developers add to their iOS app. A standard approach is to write logging code like this: Let’s call this manual event-tracking. With manual event-tracking, you write logging code for each analytics event you care about. A logEvent: for signing in, a logEvent: for inviting a friend, a logEvent: for opening the Settings view, and so forth. Here, we’ll describe a different approach: automatic event-tracking. In this post, we’ll provide a blueprint for building automatic event-tracking into your own app. The Problem with Manual Event-Tracking Let’s say you’ve launched your new iOS app. But after the initial fanfare subsides, you start to think: “Where did all my visitors drop off in our signup form?” Oh, right. Now your next two weeks will be spent: Mourning launch data that’s forever lost.Instrumenting your signup flow with logging code.Waiting for your app to get approved by Apple.Waiting.Waiting some more for data to trickle in.Analyzing your data.

Objective-Cloud. PencilCase. Design Guides and Resources. Clooket/DeploydKit. DVIA (Damn Vulnerable IOS App) - To unleash the hacker inside you. Spark Inspector - Runtime Inspection for iOS Apps. Reveal App. 75 Essential Tools for iOS Developers - Ben Scheirman. If you were to go to a master woodworker’s shop, you’d invariably find a plethora of tools that he or she uses to accomplish various tasks. In software it is the same. You can measure a software developer by how they use their tools. Experienced software developers master their tools. It is important to learn your current tools deeply, and be aware of alternatives to fill in gaps where your current ones fall short. With that in mind, I present to you a gigantic list of tools. Some of these I use daily, others I see potential in.

If you have more tools you’d like to see here, just make sure to add a comment. I tried to categorize these the best I can. And without further ado, we’ll start from the beginning of any project, and that Inspiration pttrns – A great library of iOS screen designs categories by task. Design Mocks ($) – An easy to use tool to create a quick mockup of an iOS app. Source Control Git – If you’re not using source control stop what you’re doing and rectify that. Editors. Quartermaster/QSKit. The App code amish shah | Mobile App Builder | Make Your Own AppThe App Code. QuincyKit. iOS testing framework. Robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack. Best iOS controls. Custom Controls for iOS and OS X - Cocoa Controls. NimbusKit - The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation.

Fantastic Objective-C Frameworks! | beta. TapFancy – An iPhone app design showcase and gallery. 20 Free GUI Templates for 'Flat' Web Design. All of the UI templates and kits we have for you today have been designed in a Flat style. Meaning they have been created ‘without the usual gradients, pixel perfect shadows, and skeuomorphism…’ All of the kits are free, editable, and all are perfect for quickly creating web and mobile mockups.

Flat UI Kit (PSD) Rampy Flat UI Kit (PSD) Flat Ui Kit (PSD) Mountain Flat UI Kit (PSD) Flat UI Kit (PSD) Flat Ui by NAS (PSD) UI Kit by Kamal Chaneman (PSD) Modern Flat UI Kit (PSD) Flat UI Kit (Sketch) Flat Blog UI Kit (PSD) by PSDExplorer Square UI (PSD) by DesignModo Flat Widget UI Kit (PSD) by Riki Tanone Flat UI (PSD) by Andy Law UI Kit (PSD) by Abhimanyu Rana UI Kit (PSD) by Jamie Syke Flat UI Kit (PSD) by VisualCreative Web App Flat UI (PSD) by Blaz Robar Minimal UI Kit (PSD) by ThemeDesigner Flat Web Elements (PSD) by Alexey Anatolievich Web Browser UI Elements (PSD) by Bluroon Flat Event Creation (PSD) by Seth Ely Flat UI Buttons (PSD) by Alex Vanderzon Flat Mini UI Player (PSD) by David Magère.

Resources for Mac and iOS Developers… | Dave Mark's Blog. I was working on an article for Jim Dalrymple (@jdalrymple) and Loop Magazine ( The topic? Getting started with Mac and iOS development. I went looking for a reasonably recently updated list of dev resources to link to from the article. Couldn’t find one I was happy with, then remembered that we included a pretty solid list at the end of the book Beginning iOS 6 Development. Since that list needed to be updated for the iOS 7 rev of the book, I thought, why not pop the list into a blog post. And here we are. At its core, programming is about problem solving and figuring things out. I also posted a separate list of dev tools right here and a another post listing training resources right here.

Of course, please do follow me on Twitter (@davemark). Become one with Xcode’s documentation browser, grasshopper. If you are just getting started with Mac or iOS development, here are a few places I would look through, some excellent foundational material. Debug: Pitching an app? Appgyver says it can deliver gorgeous prototypes & more (exclusive) Got an idea for an iPhone app? These days, you can mock up a quick and dirty prototype to show colleagues and customers, before you commit to actually building the thing.

A startup called Appgyver (conveniently rhymes with “ MacGyver “) has developed a set of app prototyping tools for developers and product managers. To build out its product suite, the company today raised an additional $325,000 in seed funding. This brings the funding total to $1,325,000. Appgyver’s well-known Prototyper product is targeted at those who need a better way to test out current versions of their apps on potential customers, and rapidly alter the design in minutes. But the Palo Alto, Calif. For one thing, Appgyver isn’t the only product on the market to help you build gorgeous visuals, no coding required. To differentiate themselves from the competition, the founders spent months interviewing app developers and designers about their biggest sources of frustration.

Check out the video to learn more. Mobile Advertising and Marketing Solutions Company. Pass Composer Design your Pass colors, logos, labels, fonts, and layout. Store your template for quick editing or replicate a Pass template you previously created to quickly build new campaigns. Drag and drop Pass templates into email campaigns, SMS campaigns and mobile web pages. When the passes are generated you can automatically combine data from your own system with the pass templates in real-time. Pass Delivery & Update APIs Passes can be delivered through Email, SMS/MMS, Mobile web or a Companion application. Pixel Perfection. A lot of designers throw around the term pixel perfection. But what does it really mean? Googling it really didn’t help. With this article, I am going to not only attempt to define it but also give clear examples on how to achieve it.

I will also share design files from which you can deconstruct and analyze. Download .sketch files You’ll need Sketch to open these files: Sharpness “Sharp” is defined as razor-edged and honed. By looking closely at this design, you’ll notice a light shadow and a white shadow. Perfect Position & Dimension Understanding perfection is not enough. In Photoshop, that means pixel snapping vector points manually by selecting them, then Command + Shift dragging them. In Sketch, it’s even more precise because you can simply select each sub-shape and edit round the numbers (x, y, width and height).

Obsession Pixel perfection is an obsession and a standard to which serious designers live by. Go ahead and download my .sketch files and spot the half pixels. Designing For The Empty States. Understand how to add some delight into an app by designing the empty states and give users a better experience. Empty states are places in apps that have no content or data. They are empty. A blank page. Traditionally empty states are overlooked as most designers focus on how best to display lots of content or data. It’s common for empty states to be dealt with by developers as they are often caused by exceptions (such as no internet connection). They often write the copy and as a result it can be a little difficult to understand or it is left with the basic styles.

Not the best combination. There are three mains types of empty states. 1. First impressions are vital. When someone signs up for an app, the chances are high that they know what it does. 2. Consider the inbox. Take a look at how Sparrow, Gmail and the default iOS Mail app handle the empty inbox. Sparrow shows an icon representing a traditional inbox and the phrase ‘Inbox Zero’. 3. Conclusion Contribute. Transitional Interfaces — Design/UX. Designers love to sweat the details.

Much time is spent pixel-fucking buttons, form styles, setting type, & getting those icons as sharp as a tack. A+, great job, don't stop you guys. ...but there's little consideration about how it all fits together outside of a static comp. You tap a button and the form just ...appears? You swipe to delete an item and it just vanishes? That’s super weird and un-natural. Oh, ok sweet. How? Folks keep throwing around the word “delight” when referring to animation and cute interactions.

Animation leverages an overlooked dimension — time! Let's take a look at some simple ideas: In traditional animation, a breakdown determines how a mass moves from Point A to Point B. UIColor: Understanding Colour in iOS | iOSing. Something as trivial as changing a colour or adding a colour should be pretty simple to achieve, one that shouldn’t take long to do or much thinking. Sadly with iOS this isn’t as straight forward as you assume at first and because of this i thought i would throw together a really simple tutorial explaining how colours work.

This really is the most basic tutorial i can think of, i mean i think someone who’d recently suffered a massive head injury could come to terms with UIColor on iOS after this tutorial. So lets get to it. How Colours Work Lets look at the colour in terms of HTML simple because i’m a web designer and it’s the most simple solution i can think of.

In HTML/CSS you would typically define a colour outright, for example to make the background of the website red, you’d apply red to the background of body. …or if you wanted to apply a HEX colour you would define it merely as the following. Pre-Defined Colours self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; An Even Better Way. iOS Fonts. The iOS Design Cheat Sheet Volume 2 - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer. Sizes of iPhone UI Elements. How to detect the current device size and kind Other dimensions common to all screen sizes: Points vs. Pixels Apple introduced retina displays starting with the iPhone 4. You don't have to modify your code to support high-res displays; the iOS coordinate system uses points rather than pixels, so the dimensions and position in points of all UI elements remains the same across all devices. iOS supports high resolution displays via the scale property on UIScreen, UIView, UIImage, and CALayer classes.

To refer to an image in your code (or in Interface Builder), use the filename of the standard sized image. iOS will automatically detect and use the @2x version if the device supports it: imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"button.png"]; Adjusting Sizes Click here to see how to adjust View Frames and Bounds. Additional References Apple Documentation: Points vs. AlanQuatermain/AQGridView. iOS charts, grids, developer tools, custom UI controls, iPhone, iPad. AppArchitect. Pathmapp Launches An A/B Testing Platform For Native iOS Apps To Let Developers Optimize, Configure In Real Time. A/B testing has long been a fundamental part of developing applications and products for the Web, and, with the explosion of smartphones, developers are naturally eager to use the process to test new designs and updates for mobile apps. The problem is that, traditionally, this has been tricky to manage, especially on iOS given Apple’s approval process, requiring app developers to wait weeks to push new iterations.

Frustrated by the current process, Pathmapp decided to create a solution — one that would allow developers to test different designs and push them out in real time. After debuting at TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco last year, today, the startup is officially launching an A/B testing platform for native iOS apps that aims to enable mobile developers to optimize their apps and increase conversion without making significant changes to their workflow — or to their users’ experiences.

“As mobile developers, we saw this massive gap in the market,” says Pathmapp CTO Andrew Herman. Objective-C. App Annie - App Ranking, Analytics, Market Intelligence - Aurora. Pixate. Chilkat Components / Libraries for .NET, ActiveX, C++, Objective-C, IOS, Android, Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java.

Mobiata/MBRequest. AFNetworking/AFNetworking. Pokeb/asi-http-request. Foursquare/FSNetworking. Effective iOS Network Programming Techniques. How to Create An App With Great Design | iPhone App Design Templates - Get Custom Designs for your iOS Apps. Introduction Welcome to this tutorial series. In the first video below, you will find out the reason why you need great design to make your app succeed in the App Store. Using the tips in this course, you will position your app in the Top 10% of apps and give it a better chance on being a Top-seller. 01: Creating a List of Recipes In this video, you can follow along as I create a basic list view from scratch. This is the same list that we will spruce up later with the design. 02: Creating a Detail View To Show The Recipes In this video, you will learn how to create an iPhone App screen that will show the details of each recipe. 03: How to Design a Stunning List Of Recipes Here is where the magic begins. You can use this technique to skin any kind of list, this is not just limited to recipes. 04: Creating a Whole New Navigation Bar The appearance SDK that was initially released in iOS 5 has made our lives easier. 05: Creating Navigation Bar Buttons That doesn’t look good, does it?.

Social Boo | iPhone App Design Templates - Get Custom Designs for your iOS Apps. Standard Xcode Project + PNG Images $69 developer Xcode Project + PNG + Photoshop PSD $89 Includes a 60-day Money-back guarantee. Need more info on the license? Click here Indie License Summary This is the option to choose if you single developer working on your own apps. Can be distributed in a maximum of 2 iOS apps.Commercial use allowedCan modify source-code and distribute modifications (derivative works)Cannot be resold as part of a larger work (sublicensed)6 months free support after purchase6 months free updatesAccess to all bug fixesAgency License Summary This is the option to choose if you are developer working on apps for clients, or you are working in an agency or development company.

You are allowed to use the template in an unlimited number of apps. Buy 3 and save 30% with code BUNDLE-COMBO-3 XCode Sample Project iOS 6 compatible iOS 5 compatible .PSD files Retina (@2x) support .PNG Artwork Professional look with over 25 design elements Quick startup with a Sample Xcode project.