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Bricolages. trucs. idées. Bouteilles en plastique. How To Do a Perfect Knock Down Ceiling Texture.  Jupe en faille de soie imprimée  Paper Cut Shadow Boxes Illuminated by Light. Artist duo Hari & Deepti (Harikrishnan Panicker, Deepti Nair) started experimenting with paper cut shadow boxes in 2010 with hand painted watercolor paper which was then cut and assembled in a wooden box to create a diorama.

Paper Cut Shadow Boxes Illuminated by Light

They started experimenting with lights and simplified their pieces by losing the colored aspect of the paper. Their current paper cut artworks now incorporate back-lit light boxes using flexible LED strip lights. Currently based out of Denver, Colorado, the duo came to the United States from India. Represented by Black Book Gallery (where many of their works are available), they describe their medium of choice as: “Paper is brutal in its simplicity as a medium. To see more of their amazing paper cut shadow boxes be sure to check them out at the links below. [via Colossal] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Black Book Gallery. Hari & Deepti are an artist couple currently based out of Denver, Colorado.

Black Book Gallery

Hari (whose full name is Harikrishnan Panicker) is a trained graphic designer and illustrator. He was born and raised in Mumbai, India where he was the senior designer for MTV Networks India and has designed for brands like MTV India, VH1 India, Nickelodeon & Comedy Central. Apart from designing for these brands, he is also an established illustrator and has designed album covers for musicians like Dualist Inquiry and has been invited to design a cover for Rolling Stone India for their annual – Art as Cover Edition. He loves to collect and customize vinyl toys, is obsessed with drawing monsters, loves to screen print & secretly aspires to be in space some day. He fell in love with paper cut art after seeing Balinese shadow puppets and has since been experimenting with paper and light. Des peintures sur la figure. Des livres mis en scènes. FASHION >>> Année du Dragon par NIKE. Depuis 2002 Nike nous propose une série limitée s’inspirant du signe zodiacal chinois, cette année cest le tigre qui prend le pouvoir.

FASHION >>> Année du Dragon par NIKE

Nous vous proposons en exclusivité la Nike Cortez Classic Tiger qui sortira officiellement le 10 févririer. La vrai nouveauté de cette année est aussi dans le packaging superbe. Disponible que dans certains magasins de sport Nike en Chine continentale, Hong Kong et Taiwan. Pin It Pin It Pin It The highly anticipated Nike design to celebrate Chinese New Year will officially launch on Feb. 10th and 13th respectively. Gallery and Community. Un site comme Instagram pour la retouche photo : Picfull. Le succès d’Instagram, service permettant d’ajouter des filtres à ses photos et de les partager facilement, ne se dément pas.

Un site comme Instagram pour la retouche photo : Picfull

Vous avez sans doute dû voir passer ces types de clichés si caractéristiques , souvent rencontrés sur Facebook ou Twitter. Simple effet de mode ou tendance plus durable ? En tout cas, il est vrai que la simplicité d’utilisation est remarquable ! La seule limite d’Instagram est qu’il s’agit uniquement d’une application pour iPhone, et qu’en dehors des photos prises à l’aide de son smartphone, on ne peut pas l’utiliser autrement. Korean Artist Transforms Her Small Studio Into Dreamlike Worlds Without Photoshop. EmailEmail Korean artist Jee Young Lee’s beautiful dreamscapes are living proof that you don’t need Photoshop or even a large studio space to create amazing surreal images.

Korean Artist Transforms Her Small Studio Into Dreamlike Worlds Without Photoshop

She creates all of these scenes by hand in a room that is only 3.6 x 4.1 x 2.4 meters and then inserts herself into the pictures. Some of these self portraits represent her own experiences, dreams and memories, while others represent traditional Korean folk tales and legends. Artist Unites Watercolour And Photography In Her Extraordinary Self-Portraits. EmailEmail Massachusetts-based artist Aliza Razell creates tickling self-portraits that explore philosophical abstractions through the merged mediums of watercolour and photography.

Artist Unites Watercolour And Photography In Her Extraordinary Self-Portraits

Using Photoshop, Razell unites the two mediums in her Anesidora (explorations of the Pandora’s Box myth) and Ikävä (the Finnish word meaning the feeling of longing) series. Source: Flickr | Facebook (via: thisiscolossal) Des découpages de papier rétroéclairés. Le duo d’artistes Hari & Deepti découpent des strates de papiers qui, lorsqu’elles sont éclairées par l’arrière, créent des scènes avec des petits personnages grâces à leurs différences d’opacité.

Des découpages de papier rétroéclairés

[Via] Glaces en forme de personnages de fiction.

Maison & Design

Dessin. Les 8 choses à avoir dans une maison de rêve. Voici une petite compilation sur les 8 choses à avoir dans une maison de rêve!

Les 8 choses à avoir dans une maison de rêve

1 – Un lac artificiel dans sa cour: 2 – Un bain transparent. Journal du Design - Le site du design, de l'architecture, de l'art, du high-tech, de la mode et des tendances urbaines. Galerie des plus beaux sites web Français et Internationaux » Web Design Inspiration » CSS Gallery » Jolis sites »

Sites design

Five Awesome Pop-Up Paper Sculptures. Discover, Page 4. Carlos Meira - paper sculpture - escultura em papel. ESCULTURA EM PAPEL. Dianabeltranherrera - Home. Yulia Brodskaya : News. Carnival Paper - paper sculptures on Behance. Origami, découpages, sculptures livres, papier... Papier Sculptures. Sculpture papier.

Créations diverses. Infographie multimedia. Graphisme. Graphiste - Zoom sur les métiers. Graphisme. Fotor. Flash. Photoshop. Art attack. Créations / coup de coeur. Everyday design.