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Http client to POST using multipart/form-data. Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software. Rice: Rice - Ruby Interface for C++ Extensions. Parsetree's ParseTree-3.0.9 Documentation. Python Stuff. Simplejson02/28/2012 simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python simplejson is compatible with Python 2.6 and later with no external dependencies. It covers the full JSON specification for both encoding and decoding, with unicode support. By default, encoding is done in an encoding neutral fashion (plain ASCII with \uXXXX escapes for unicode characters). The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized (somewhat like pickle). The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding (UTF-8 by default). simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json library included with Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, but maintains backwards compatibility with Python 2.5. greenlet1/9/2006 Lightweight in-process concurrent programming (This is the py.magic.greenlet module from the py lib, made standalone) The following formats are currently supported:
