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Exploring Clojure (Lisp on the JVM) - Part 4: Not Your Daddy's Namespaces. Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Ok, now I know that Namespaces are probably not the sexiest topic for a blog post and, since you're reading this at all, you are probably just curious as to why someone would possibly want to blog about them!

Exploring Clojure (Lisp on the JVM) - Part 4: Not Your Daddy's Namespaces

Well, when I first started looking at namespaces in Clojure , I probably would have said the same thing. Clojure Setup Tutorial with EMACS: clojure, clojure.contrib, swank, slime, maven and maven-clojure-plugin in a couple of seconds. As of 22nd September 2011, this is still working fine, this time on Fedora 14 (substituting yum for apt-get, but that's the only difference) I've just (15th February 2011) had to set this up again for someone on an Ubuntu 10.10 box.

Clojure Setup Tutorial with EMACS: clojure, clojure.contrib, swank, slime, maven and maven-clojure-plugin in a couple of seconds

And to my speechless amazement (16th February 2011), it worked absolutely the same way on Radek Ostrowski (a complete stranger) 's mac at dev8d, thus condemning him to years of suffering at the hands of Aquamacs. This method is still my favourite, still the one I actually use in practice, and still the easiest, and it's been stable for about a year now. Since I've just confirmed that it still works, I've moved it back to the top. Install maven: $sudo apt-get install maven2 Then create a pom.xml file to tell maven which repositories to use.

World Cognition By Programming: Setting up Emacs for Clojure programming. When starting my first Clojure journey recently, I faced the problem of setting up Emacs for Clojure programming.

World Cognition By Programming: Setting up Emacs for Clojure programming

It can seem cumbersome to do it right if you aren't aware of some pitfalls, and many tutorials and answers at stackoverflow are outdated. So, I leave simple up to date instructions here intended for complete Emacs beginners (you must have at least read the built-in tutorial available on C-h t). Why Emacs Personally, I find Emacs the most suited editor for Clojure (far beyond Eclipse, IntelliJ plugins). It supports Lisps very well through being itself written and extended (mostly) in Lisp dialect. Choosing version This tutorial aims to be OS-agnostic so the setup will work on Linux, OSX, Windows without any changes. Clojure Libraries. 4clojure – Welcome! Docs - clojure.core/zipmap. Clojure: Destructuring.

In The Joy of Clojure (TJoC) destructuring is described as a mini-language within Clojure.

Clojure: Destructuring

It's not essential to learn this mini-language; however, as the authors of TJoC point out, destructuring facilitates concise, elegant code. What is destructuring? Clojure supports abstract structural binding, often called destructuring, in let binding lists, fn parameter lists, and any macro that expands into a let or fn. -- The simplest example of destructuring is assigning the values of a vector. user=> (def point [5 7])#'user/point.

Clojured - Figuring out Clojure, Clojurescript, Web frameworks and more. This post is an explanation of what I'm using to write Clojure/Clojurescript web projects.

Clojured - Figuring out Clojure, Clojurescript, Web frameworks and more

I will take you through the basics of writing web app using the technologies I enjoy working with the most. It will delve into the following topics:A basic review and explanation of the concepts of Clojure/Clojurescript.The software ecosystem surrounding writing a Clojure/Clojurescript web project.The libraries and frameworks I've chosen to use.How to write something basic. Part 2 will cover: How to run the server and deploy a standalone (uberjar) executable which includes your web project and the jetty web server to serve it.Adding NoSQL database functionality with the Redis NoSQL database server and the carmine Redis library. Basic Clojure and Clojurescript Roles and Concepts This is to reinforce the difference between Clojure and Clojurescript. Software Ecosystem I'm doing my development on Windows 7, however the tools I'm using should all be available for both OSX and Linux. Leiningen Light Table. Learning Clojure through the REPL. First hundred days of Clojure.

In politics you have a one hundred days period of grace.

First hundred days of Clojure

In December I started to work with Clojure, so I guess it’s time to have a clojure look. In the last couple of years I encountered a couple of different languages. At scoyo it was ActionScript and Flex from Adobe. I had the honor to lead a team of great engineers, but with good people you don’t get close enough to the real stuff. At gamigo the new technology was PHP. Incanter: Statistical Computing and Graphics Environment for Clojure. Ready Set Clojure! The Clojure Toolbox. Frak takes an entirely different approach to generating regular expressions. Hot on the heals of our Verbal Expressions coverage comes Frak by Joel Holdbrooks.

Frak takes an entirely different approach to generating regular expressions

Frak also generates regular expressions for you, but it does it in a completely different way. With Frak, you don’t write an expression to match string patterns. Instead, you give it a set of strings and it generates an expression which matches them. Frak is written in Clojure, so you install it by adding a dependency to your project.clj file: [frak "0.1.2"] Clojure Documentation. This guide covers building a simple web-application using common Clojure libraries.

Clojure Documentation