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Awesome jQuery Plugins For Creating Single-Page Websites. For websites with less content or to simplify the browsing experience, single-page websites are a great option. Although they are used for any type of content, they are preferred mostly for portfolio, event and app (usually mobile app) ones. Such websites can be enriched in different ways by a chic scrolling effect, modal boxes, tooltips, etc.

As a fan of single-page websites, here are the awesome jQuery plugins I use regularly (and some alternatives) to create them: jQuery Scroll Path That's a very original plugin which allows us to draw a totally custom scroll path (with curves) of any size. HTML elements can be placed along the path and events like mousewheel, up/down arrow keys or spacebar will get you to the next element with an animation that follows the path. An optional custom scrollbar is included which allows click and drag scrolling.

Ascensor.js This jQuery plugin enables us to locate content blocks into any coordinates of a canvas and browse them with the keyboard. Curtain.js. Full Page Scrolling Navigation using Ascensor.js | Syntax Forest. Ascensor is a jQuery plugin that creates a full screen scrollable navigation area ideally for Personal portfolio website or brands websites. There are many features included in in Ascensor, Pages can be navigated by clicking previous & next buttons and also by clicking in the navigation area which is a customizable series of blocks or links that represent a map of the pages. You can create your own choice navigation e.g. circle, zigzag square etc.

Ascensor is depended on the jQuery and ScrollTo plugin to scroll between pages smoothly. Let’s we create 5 pages personal portfolio, to achieve this you need to do some operations which are listed below. Operation Ascensor needs the jQuery library and the great plugin scrollTo. Operation HTML You need to think like an architect. Operation JS In your script file you simply need to write: Operation JS 2 There are several settings for this plugin.

Operation JS 3 Operation JS 4 There are more complicated settings for this plugin. Operation CSS. Ascensor - Transformez votre site en slides navigables avec jQuery. Ascensor.js est un plugin jQuery permettant de créer un site ou une présentation en forme de slides navigables. Ascensor rejoins la famille des plugins de navigation en slides mais se différencie des autres Fathom, Presenteer etc. en s'orientant plutôt sur la génération de slide pour sites web plutôt que pour faire des présentations web type powerpoint. En effet, avec ascensor vous aurez la possibilité de créer un site vitrine ou portfolio original en mode fullscreen dans lequel les pages sont déroulées avec les flèches du clavier ou avec la map de navigation. Le plugin permet de naviguer de tous les côtés, c'est vous qui définissez le mapping de navigation grâce aux options du script.

L'utilisateur pourra changer de pages de plusieurs manières: Avec les flèches du clavierAvec les liens Précédent / SuivantAvec les liens de la map de navigation Chacune des fonctionnalités de navigation peuvent être activées ou désactivées avec les options. Passons maintenant au code HTML: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 17. Planète jQuery : l'actualité jQuery, plugins jQuery et tutoriels jQuery en français. QuickFlip 2 Plugin for jQuery - Basic examples. Isotope. Isotope Tutorial. Lorem Ipsum Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue? Augue adipiscing duis? Et a placerat, magna enim? Lacus sit. Nunc montes tristique purus auctor. Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue?

Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue? Amet dolor? Diam cras ac quis a ut, augue massa cursus natoque cursus in sociis rhoncus, scelerisque mus ac. Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue? Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue? Urna vut, eros aliquet sagittis augue?