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Isotope · Filter & sort magical layouts

Isotope · Filter & sort magical layouts

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Elastic Circle Slideshow Macadamia Skin Oil $39 Macadamia Skin Oil Hydration for very dry skin Grapeseed Skin Oil $19 Grapeseed Skin Oil Pixel Proliferation: A Toolset For Managing Screen Resolutions In the digital world, change is constant. The device landscape is always changing and the device types are proliferating. With the increasing demand for more fluid and responsive experiences, it is becoming an even more arduous task to keep all of the device resolutions and screen sizes straight. So we have packaged up our set of tools that help us stay current and we are offering it for download.

Popcorn.js 0.2 Released – Popcorn.js 0.2 Released – Bocoup Web Log I am very proud to announce that Popcorn.js hit 0.2 today. The Popcorn.js team has been working hard to deliver a stable, documented and unit tested JavaScript toolbelt for working with HTML5 <video>. Popcorn.js 0.2 rethinks Popcorn.js 0.1 as an event system for HTML5 <video> with a sexy API, a plugin system, and strong adherence to the native HTML5 <video> API. Popcorn.js’ API follows the standard HTML5 method names by using a passthrough system to the native HTMLVideoElement. Popcorn builds on these native method names like .mute(), .load() and .play(), and adds new method names like .exec(), .listen(), .trigger(), .getTrackEvents(), and so on. Popcorn methods also make a point of returning a reference to the current Popcorn instance where possible, so you can write nice method chains.

How To Build A Site That Works Like Pinterest Ok, if you have no idea what Pinterest is then go check it out. It is a website that lets you organise and share all your favourite things by using pinboards. It really is a cool site, but what I find interesting is how these pinboards are laid out. I've seen something similar before with jQuery Isotope where blocks are perfectly positioned into a series of columns, and as the screen size changes, the columns re-shuffle to make sure they fit inside the screen. So the purpose of this tutorial is to re-create this responsive block effect ourselves...

Stack Motion Hover Effects This is a hover effect. Best viewed on desktop. Images made with designs by If you enjoyed this demo you might also like: Slide in Captions <figure class="cap-left"><img src="yay.jpg" alt=""><figcaption> yay!!! </figcaption></figure> SK - very first serious HTML5 animation tool Simplicity Use your past experience with other animation tools to start working with Blysk in just a second - we don't want to reinvent the wheel, we just give you an outstanding tool inside your browser. Everything you create is available for preview with one-click preview mode. Intuitive interface and WYSIWYG approach provides access to our tool for everyone, not only professionals. Portability Create your animation once and run it on every device, in every web browser around the world. Some big company doesn't allow you to install necessary plugins on one of it's devices? It's not a problem anymore.

dotjs — hack the web README.markdown ..................... dotjs ........................ dotjs is a Google Chrome extension that executes JavaScript files in ~/.js based on their filename.

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