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Sketchnotes by Eva-Lotta Lamm. Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. Prezi - The zooming presentation editor - Flock. Build Slideshow Presentations Collaboratively with Prezi Meeting. Step-by-step Tutorial on Prezi Meeting. Prezi for iPad. Presentation. A speaker giving a presentation using a projector A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, or build good will. The term can also be used for a formal or ritualized introduction or offering, as with the presentation of a debutante.

Definitions[edit] The process of offering for consideration or displayA social introduction, as of a person at courtA demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speechA manner or style of speaking, instructing or putting oneself forwardThe manner of presenting, esp the organization of visual details to create an overall impressionThe formal introduction of a person, as into society or at court; debut Visuals[edit] A study done by Wharton School Of Business showed that the use of visuals reduced meeting times by 28 percent. External links[edit] Definition of presentations Content (types, audience, visual) Daria Price Bowman. (1998).