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Maker movement

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HackerspaceWiki. #MakersBerlin creating, crafting, fabbing. Flux | Hackerspaces – The Beginning (the book) In December of 2008, a group of hackers was sitting on the floor with faces aglow with laptop light cruising the internet and skyping friends in and listening to death metal. It was 12 days before 25c3. Astera and I had a conversation that went something like this: B: There should be a book. A: Yes, there should. B: We have 12 days. A: We can do it. The twelve days we had was until CCC started. Within a week we had been scorched by a flame war, gotten a lot of both written and photographic material submitted and it seemed likely that the book would happen. The 12 days came and went and still the submissions kept coming.

Download HackerSpaces: The Beginning! This book documents where the hackerspace movement was in December of 2008. We did this because we wanted it to exist and so it is a reward in itself. After these years, the book is finally free in the world as a pdf. Build, Unite, Multiply! The Maker Movement. Preface I’ve been so busy making making things, making a hackerspace at FamiLAB, making a Maker Faire, talking about Making our Community better, and launching a maker-focused foundation that I don’t update this page often enough… I originally wrote this because I was constantly answering “What is a Maker?” – but I don’t get the question anymore – and that is a good thing.

If this is really interesting to you, and you want to know more, just ask We’ve formed The Maker Effect Foundation to activate and amplify the efforts of makers as they learn, build and work together in their communities, please visit our website to learn more. If you live in Orlando, our community page is a great place to learn more about our local organizations that support makers. It is a great time to be a “Maker”! Recently we’ve seen Instructables, a community web site with instructions for making just about anything, purchased by Autodesk, who makes AutoCAD, and many other professional software titles.

Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY.