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Raumgestaltung-Und-Atmosphare / betahaus - ein coworking Handbuch. Polyeconomy. Monetary currencies They include mainstream monetary currencies like dollar, euro, pound etc.


As well as growing number of alternatives like bitcoin, ripple, LETS and more. They have in common creation of virtual artifact and attempting to use it for measuring people perceptions of values. more details. Global Enterprise. A Manifesto For Free Radicals: Less Paperwork, Less Waiting, More Action. In chemistry, the term “free radical” is used to describe molecules with unpaired electrons, those that may have a positive, negative, or zero charge.

A Manifesto For Free Radicals: Less Paperwork, Less Waiting, More Action

They are hard to pin down, and as a result their possibilities are endless. They can prove wildly destructive or instrumental, depending on context.